21 results

Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Subprogram: Disinfection measures to support biosecurity for infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) at aquaculture facilities

Megalocytiviruses are a group of closely related viruses that cause mass mortalities in both marine and freshwater aquaculture. They are of global importance as they are listed by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE). They are difficult to control as they infect over 125 fish species and...
University of Sydney (USYD)

Oysters Australia IPA: Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS) – closing knowledge gaps to continue farming C. gigas in Australia

The present project is part of a continued program of epidemiologic investigations of OsHV-1 in Australia. Sufficient understanding of POMS is required to provide information for farmers and to direct policy so that profitable farming can continue despite increasing distribution and devastating...
University of Sydney (USYD)

Revision of the existing AQUAVETPLAN: ‘Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy Disease Strategy Manual’

Australian aquatic veterinary emergency plan (AQUAVETPLAN) for Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy Disease can be accessed from the federal Department of...
University of Sydney (USYD)

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Pacific oyster mortality syndrome (POMS) - understanding biotic and abiotic environmental and husbandry effects to reduce economic losses

Project number: 2011-053
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $130,000.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Whittington
Organisation: University of Sydney (USYD)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2011 - 16 Dec 2012


There is a disturbing pattern of diseases in commercial molluscs nationally. They have required a succession of government/industry responses, with no clear solutions:QX disease, Sydney rock oysters, NSW and QLD; NSW; Pacific oyster mortality syndrome, NSW; Abalone viral ganglioneuritis, VIC; Oyster oedema disease, pearl oysters, WA; Winter mortality, Sydney rock oyster, NSW.

Economic impacts have been substantial or devastating. Wild fisheries and aquaculture have been impacted. In NSW, the primary impact of QX disease led to replacement of Sydney rock oysters by triploid Pacific oysters to reestablish the industry in some estuaries, but this is now threatened by POMS.

In every case the new disease has spread. It has not been possible to devise an intervention strategy that would halt disease spread or ensure the recovery of the industry. Investigating the behaviour of POMS during its predicted recrudescence this summer provides an opportunity to identify factors which may be used to reduce the impact of the infection.

This project seeks to investigate the effect of host, environmental and husbandry factors on POMS prevalence and mortality rate in Pacific oysters during summer 2011-autumn 2012 with the objective of discovering aspects of epidemiology which can be manipulated by oyster growers.

FRDC strategic R&D theme 1 - biosecurity and aquatic animal health, and Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram priority - Nature of disease and host-pathogen interaction - immunology of aquatic invertebrates.


1. To correlate biotic and abiotic environmental factors with POMS occurrence in selected oyster populations

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-74210-309-9
Author: Richard Whittington

People development program: 2012 FRDC International Travel Bursaries - Dr Joy Becker

Project number: 2008-314.29
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,517.00
Principal Investigator: Joy Becker
Organisation: University of Sydney (USYD)
Project start/end date: 22 Jul 2012 - 30 Sep 2012


In FRDC 2007/007 and FRDC 2009/044, it was determined that ornamental fish entering Australia are a source of exotic pathogens, such as cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV2). This is of particular relevance for goldfish, where domestic breeders claim that their stock succumb to CyHV2 disease when brought into contact with imported goldfish in wholesale and retail premises. CyHV2 only affects goldfish and was addressed in the 1999 IRA as being exotic to Australia. Recent research findings from FRDC 2009/044 indicated that CyHV2 is present in domestic Australian goldfish populations. On 1 September 2011, Biosecurity Australia amended the health certification requirements for the importation of goldfish and no longer requires fish to be certified free of CyHV2.

The detection of CyHV2 and other exotic aquatic pathogens (e.g. gourami iridovirus) was achieved through the application of molecular techniques, such as PCR. Correctly applied and interpreted, molecular approaches offer unique opportunities to understand the local and global spread of a disease. The advancement of molecular approaches is required to safeguard Australia against pathogen incursions through the processes of informed policy development and import risk analysis.

There is a need to disseminate the research that determined that CyHV2 is now established in Australia and how scientific evidence was used to change national biosecurity policy to the international scientific community. There is also a need to ensure the availability of people with specialised training in molecular epidemiology in Australia to stay at the forefront of the application of this technology.


1. To present findings from the project titled FRDC 2009/044 "Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Surveys of ornamental fish for pathogens of quarantine significance” at the 13th conference of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 13) to be held from 20 - 24 August 2012 in the city of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
2. To complete a three day pre-conference workshop titled “Molecular Epidemiology - applications, tools and case studies”.

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Tools for investigation of the nodavirus carrier state in marine, euryhaline and freshwater fish and control of NNV through integrated management

Project number: 2008-041
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $463,365.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Whittington
Organisation: University of Sydney (USYD)
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2009 - 29 Mar 2012


This project relates directly to the FRDC VNN Research and Development Plan, to facilitate industry profitability, sustainability, growth and development. There is an overarching need to measure and then reduce the risk to fisheries and aquaculture sectors (including natural resources) associated with transfer of nodaviruses. The aquaculture industry is proactive and responsible (eg triple bottom line reporting) and wishes to manage risks based on sound science. Industry acknowledges a residual risk that cannot be controlled: virus prevalence in the wild and natural fish movements. However, there is an immediate need for industry to conduct business in the face of unknowns with respect to true disease status. While there is a need to ensure that infected, but apparently healthy, stock are not moved to areas that are considered free of the disease/disease agent, it is of fundamental importance for the sustainability of the barramundi aquaculture industry and developing species ventures such as Australian bass that stock are translocated. Current tests for determining disease status are considered inadequate, therefore biosecurity protocols in the short-term are required to address the risk of introduction of disease with water, broodstock and fomites. As new information becomes available through R&D, these protocols will be revised and improved as needed to improve biosecurity. In the meantime, protocols are needed to manage risks with incomplete information and without overburdening industry with uneconomic or unwarranted requirements. There is need for mitigation of impacts on translocation: hatchery to nursery to grow-out; hatchery to wild (eg stocking for recreational fishing); both intra-state and interstate translocations, access to overseas markets; sourcing broodstock from the wild. Financial impacts, environmental impacts and mulitsectorial impacts at level of commercial, recreational and regulatory sectors all need to be addressed.


1. To develop and validate a real-time PCR method for the detection and identification of betanodaviruses
2. To develop and evaluate the applicability of serological tests for detection and identification of betanodaviruses
3. To transfer developed technology to Australian diagnostic laboratories
4. To provide a basis for development of a national proficiency testing scheme for the detection and identification of betanodaviruses
5. To provide recommendations for improved biosecurity protocols in relation to nodavirus infection and fish translocation

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-74210-301-3
Author: Richard Whittington
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