2 results

Tactical Research Fund: Assessing the technology transfer and people skills requirements for the introduction of mullet processing on the east coast similar to Shark Bay frozen sea mullet fillets

Project number: 2008-321
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $13,104.00
Principal Investigator: John C. Harrison
Organisation: Clarence River Fishermen's Co-operative Ltd
Project start/end date: 21 Jul 2008 - 29 Nov 2008


Clearly the commercial fishers cannot contiune to catch mullet and only get 1980 prices. This is not economically viable. Mullet is a greatly under rated table fish and the opportunity to value add and present a product for the consumer that is ready to cook, packaged tastefully with several cooking options on the packaging is seen as a logical step.

The work that the Geraldton Fish Market has put into this is substanital and if the members of the CPFA can capitalise on this and adopt the technology and methods than we are learning from others within the industry.

We have to do something to improve the returns for the fishers otherwise we will not have a mullet meshing fishery and there is every likelihood that we will not attract the next generation of fishers as it will not be viable.


1. Investigate and assess the adoptiveness of the frozen mullet fillet product from Shark Bay for the Clarence River
2. Identify ALL of the steps in the WA process and project these for the potential for a similar product for the Clarence.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-51575-5
Author: John Harrison

Jellyfish products and marketing feasibility

Project number: 1980-021
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Clarence River Fishermen's Co-operative Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1981 - 31 Dec 1981


1. Ascertain if the vast quantities of jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) available in the Clarence River, adjacent estuaries and ocean waters are suitable for Japanese :kragi" and sun-dried or pickling for Chinese and Asian trade
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