66 results

Development of 'Australian Rural Research in Progress' database REFER 93/250

Project number: 1990-104
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,155.00
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1991 - 30 Jun 1992


1. Expand "Australian Rural Research in Progress" database to incl rural research programs in progress at tertiary institutions.

Catalogue and analyse historical catch and effort data for the South-east Trawl (SET) fishery

Project number: 1990-023
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $118,183.58
Principal Investigator: Richard Tilzey
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1991 - 30 Jun 1995


1. Document & catalogue historic SET catch & effort data ... transfer to AFSIZ database

Final report

Author: Wesley Ford Jeremy Lyle
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 12.25 MB


In 1992 output control management, in the form of individual transferable quotas (ITQs), was introduced into the South East Fishery (formerly the South East Trawl Fishery). Sixteen species of fish were initially subject to quota management.

A critical factor in the success of quota management systems is the ability to provide timely stock assessments, the adequacy of which will be dependent upon the quality of available data. Workshops convened by the Demersal and Pelagic Fisheries Research Group (DPFRG) to provide advice to management on yield estimates for the quota species confirmed that in most cases data on which to base these assessments were very limited (DPFRG, 1991a,b). This situation was exacerbated by the fact that much of the early fishery and biological information collected by the different fisheries research organisations has not been documented and was not, therefore, accessible.

In recognition of the need to properly review the historical datasets held by the Division of Sea Fisheries (DSF) and other agencies, a cooperative program between the Bureau of Rural Resources (BRR) and the fisheries agencies of Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria and the CSIRO was formulated (refer to Document 4). Funding for this review was provided by the Fishing Industry Research and Development Council and a major objective of the program was to establish a centralized register of information held by each organisation.

Research project grant for postgraduate students in fisheries technology

Project number: 1989-120
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $40,000.00
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1990 - 31 Dec 1991


1. Organise and conduct a major conference on fisheries and potential fisheries resources of waters off southern Aust and NZ.

Final report

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.

Final Report • 1991-12-31 • 252.86 KB


The Australian and New Zealand Southern Trawl Fisheries Conference was held at the World Congress Centre in Melbourne from the 6th to the 9th of May, 1990. The conference was organised by the Bureau of Rural Resources and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Initial planning of the conference was undertaken by a steering committee comprised of representatives from research, management and industry in both Australia and New Zealand. Papers presented at the conference were available to participants in a loose-leaf binder. These and the summary and discussion sessions are currently being edited and will be published as a complete set of proceedings which will be available early in 1991.


Course and consultancy in fish stock assessment techniques

Project number: 1987-078
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1988 - 31 Dec 1988


1. Enable scientists involved in providing advice on fisheries management to become familiar with the basic techniques of fish stock assessment
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