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People development program: A program to enhance membership participation, association health, innovation and leadership succession in the Australian fishing industry (Short title - Healthy Industry Associations and Succession)

Project number: 2011-410
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $220,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Plowman
Organisation: Ian Plowman Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 1 Jan 2012 - 29 Oct 2013


The need for improved leadership development and effective leadership succession to enhance innovation within industry businesses and associations has been acknowledged in numerous reports and industry plans. While the need for innovation is recognised, the industry also needs simple action-research models that enable them to do it.

The People Development Program plan 2008 - 2013 identified among others the goals of "enhance industry leadership within all sectors" and "build industry capacity to drive change to achieve goals".

A range of drivers including (i) the shortage of industry leaders, (ii) the urgent need to develop people's skills to effectively contribute to debates, policy development and resource management, (iii) the need for development of skills to enhance business profitability and sustainability (iv) learning from other industries that have embraced a culture of knowledge and innovation. These areas were identified as needing capacity building within industry.

The inability to attract, train, engage and retain leaders in fishing industry bodies is often instrumental in organisational failure, together with falling numbers of industry participants and the aging of the industry's workforce. How to invigorate organisations to embrace an innovative culture, build leaders and provide them with capacity to apply those skills is critical to the future of the seafood industry.

Building the capacity to effectively represent the interests of the industry and their fishery to government, the community and consumers is critical to commercial fishers (wild-catch and aquaculture), while similar skills are essential to empower recreational and indigenous fishers to be able to effective contribute to the management and research debates that underpin long term sustainability. Building this capacity begins at the most basic level, namely helping the young, the new and the less confident find a voice within their association. It is here that the greatest gains in participation and leadership can be achieved.


1. Identify the current health of industry associations particularly with respect to attracting and retaining members, nurturing participation, fostering innovation, developing leaders and embedding succession
2. Identify characteristics of healthy industry associations with a view to understanding strategies of engagement, participation, innovation and leadership renewal
3. Provide recommendations on appropriate legal structure and constitution that will ensure succession whilst protecting office bearers from personal culpability.
4. Provide a set of action-research tools which foster home-grown strategies for engagement, participation, innovation and leadership renewal
5. Provide a set of conversation tools that radically enhance engagement, participation, innovation and leadership renewal
6. Engage with industry peak bodies, sector associations and members exposing them to these ideas and tools and giving them practice in their use

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9875307-1-4
Author: Ian Plowman
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