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Development of a chilled pasteurised prawn loaf range in retail packs

Project number: 1997-411
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $31,840.00
Principal Investigator: Janette McDonald
Organisation: North Queensland Trawlers
Project start/end date: 6 May 1998 - 30 Jan 2001


1. To identify for further product improvement and innovation and devleop up to three prawn knobs, in a variety of shapes, flavours and packaging options.
2. Product definition from market analysis. Research of the target market to identify specifically what the consumer would want from such a product conceptually.
3. Development of product which meets market criteria. The production of prototype which meets the criteria of the consumer market research.
4. Confirmation of market acceptance of final product. Test marketing of product on the consumer to confirm that it meets initial criteria.
5. Development of commercial scale manufacturing process of product. Definition of commercial production equipemnt and processing with creation of pilot production so as to access production costs, quality, control etc at commercial level.
6. Complete detailed reports to NSC as specified in Project Description Part A.
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