1 results

Potential pharmaceutical products from Australian beche-de-mer

Project number: 1992-125.22
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Craig Davis
Organisation: University of Queensland (UQ)
Project start/end date: 5 Dec 1994 - 20 Oct 1998


1. To evaluate the levels of theraputic activity in different species of Beche-de-Mer to identify the richest sources for these potential pharmaceuticals.
2. To improve the extraction and purification protocols to facilitate fractionation of Beche-de-mer species.
3. To examine different methods of post catch handling to preserve the therapeutic activities.
4. To test these stabilised fractions for therapeutic activities in animal models commonly used to trial drugs for human use.

Final report

Authors: David Fairlie Craig Davis and Michael Whitehouse
Final Report • 1995-12-31 • 2.46 MB


This final report details all work conducted under a 5 month pilot study funded by a small grant from the National Seafood Centre in December 1994. During this time we (i) collected and/or prepared dry powders from species of eviscerated holothurians; and (ii) evaluated extracts of the powdered specimens for anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and hypotensive activities in rats.