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FRDC-DCCEE: climate change adaptation - building community and industry knowledge

Project number: 2011-503
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $300,000.00
Organisation: Western Australia Marine Science Institution (WAMSI)
Project start/end date: 15 Jul 2011 - 31 Mar 2013


Portfolio scale delivery of maximum outcomes and benefits to fishing communities - ensuring the information reaches the main benefactors.
Confusion in community around climate change impacts and adaptation strategies - need for the synthesis of the science and presentation of information in simple language.
Confusion in the community re: climate variability vs change.
Placing climate change factors in the context of a range of other externalities affecting fishing communities.
Need for more adaptable and flexible fisheries management.
Need for interaction and interface between conservation and resource use at the community level.
Bringing together existing climate change information where appropriate.
Consolidating and reducing misinformation and confusion.
Deliver regionally while still having an Australia-wide context.


1. Increased knowledge and understanding of likely climate change and adaptation measures open to local communities
2. Support of Case Study for Australia in adaptive management that cross correlates regional needs with Australia wide policy and management policies
3. Tailoring the extension and knowledge sharing for regional needs
4. Synthesising, analysing and assisting in adaptation of key climate change information, in the context of external drivers to marine biodiversity and fisheries business

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872761-1-7
Author: Jenny Shaw
Final Report • 2014-05-15 • 19.63 MB


Climate change science can be complex, difficult to understand, confusing and contentious. To maximise opportunities for adaptation, increased knowledge and understanding of climate change is essential. The project ‘Climate Change Adaptation: Building Community and Industry Knowledge,’ known as the ‘Knowledge Project’ was developed to address this need. 

Additionally, the Knowledge Project was closely linked to the FRDC project ‘A climate change adaptation blueprint for coastal regional communities’ known as the ‘Blueprint Project’. 

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