22 results

SRL IPA: Rocklobster Trans Tasman cooperation workshop

Project number: 2013-232
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $28,142.00
Principal Investigator: Ross J. Hodge
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 9 Oct 2013 - 27 Feb 2014


In recent times there has been considerable progress made in collaboration between the Rock Lobster and Abalone industries in addressing trade and market barriers in the direct trade of product into the key market of China. The benefits of collaboration between these fishery sectors highlights the benefits from industry groups focusing on collaboration rather than competitiveness to achieve mutual outcomes.
All Australian and New Zealand rock Lobster fisheries are on quota management which ultimately limits the amount of product than can be supplied. In the case of the China market not only is the lobster from these fisheries held in the highest of regard, i.e. superior eating qualities, it can easily accept the majority of the product produced by all these fisheries. The various operations across the rock lobster supply chain are made up of small family type businesses to larger cooperatives (e.g Geraldton Fisherman's Coop) and working collectively outcomes can be achieved that may not even be considered individually.
Identifying the common matters that can be worked on collaboratively has the potential to achieve economies of scale through efficiencies gained in better organisation and shared investment in key projects and programs. Ultimately this will lead to an increase in the value from investment in R&D and increased extension/uptake of outcomes from projects.
This is possibly a "one off'" opportunity to engage all the stakeholders, particularly those involved in the post harvest sector of the various Trans Tasman Rock Lobster fisheries to participate in such a workshop.


1. Identify and prioritise opportunities for colloboration in Rock Lobster R&D, market research, marketing and generic promotion between the Australian rock lobster industry (Southern Rock Lobster and Western Rock Lobster) and the New Zealand industry.
2. Establish a forum for ongoing dialogue between Trans Tasman Rock Lobster Fisheries
3. Document the outcomes of the workshop including an action plan for implementation of identified priority collaborative opportunities

SRL IPA: Southern Rocklobster National RD&E planning and management

Project number: 2010-402
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $796,334.91
Principal Investigator: Ross J. Hodge
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 5 Sep 2011 - 29 Jun 2015


The industry structure comprises around 700 small owner operator businesses across three states with little or no capacity to coordinate investment in and manage industry RD&E. In 2008/09 the Gross Value of Production (GVP) for the Southern Rocklobster Fishery exceeded $200 million for the first time. A coordinated strategic approach to RD&E for the ASR is vital to continue maximizing profitability across the value chain within the sustainability limits of the resource and to facilitate market diversification.
Two distinct needs are involved in any consideration of better national RD&E co-ordination for the southern rock lobster sector:
1. The strategic issues of RD&E prioritization, funding and the linkages to (and support for) both industry development plans and Government objectives of industry development.; and
2. The operational issues of facilitating effective communication and coordination at all levels industry/researchers, among researchers, among industry, FRDC/researchers etc).
The new Partnership Agreement has been established to deal with these needs and under the Partnership Agreement resources are required for SRL to meet its obligations in the following areas:
1. Establishing and managing an RD&E committee
2. Engaging independent experts to both Chair and provide expert guidance to the process
3. Develop strategic and operational plans and projects to deliver these plans
4. Monitor and report progress and
5. Ensure effective governance, transparency, financial control and accountability.
Continuing to build industry value is contingent upon coordinated investment in industry development at the whole of industry level. SRL is now well established and has a track record of success in implementing the industry strategic plan and leading integration of RD&E work across stakeholders, States, Australia and New Zealand.
This project establishes the capacity to deal with Southern Rocklobster sector RD&E needs in a strategic and efficient way.


1. Deliver resources and processes that consolidate and coordinate Southern Rocklobster RD&E planning and funding so that overall RD&E outcomes are delivered in an efficient and cost-effective way.
2. Develop a corporate structure, resources and processes for SRL Ltd that ensures (a)a strategic focus of focus on maximizing profitability across the value chain within the limits of sustainability of the resource (b) a high level governance at the operational, planning and strategic level and (c) effective engagement of all stakeholders in identifying and achieving strategic goals.

Final report

ISBN: 987-0-9803977-4-1
Author: Ross R. Hodge

Seafood CRC: assessment of new market opportunities and development of effective market penetration strategies for Australian Southern Rocklobster in the USA, Middle East & Europe.

Project number: 2007-704
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,277,108.07
Principal Investigator: Matthew Muggleton
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2007 - 30 Jun 2010


The traditional Southern Rocklobster supply chain is complex involving many changes of ownership from the wharf to the consumer. It is a commodity selling structure with many competing exporters selling to limited export markets, namely China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The chain does not involve a brand, traceability and information flows between catchers and consumers. The structure positions Southern Rocklobster on the basis of price, and serves to minimise premiums based on quality, service and brand recognition.

Fishers in this structure have little appreciation of the chain and market opportunities and have limited understanding of market needs and consumer preferences. Hence they are weak sellers and price takers.

Previous R&D has shown that re-engineering supply chains into diversified markets, based on market requirements and fisher ownership through the chain, can create opportunities to capture premiums for product quality and integrity.

However, each market differs and additional R&D is required to build on the modest gains that have been made to date.

Value for money
A benefits cost analysis has been undertaken based on the following key assumptions:
- a $1/kg increase in price each year for 10 years across the entire harvest
- 500 tonnes pa being supplied to diversified markets by year 5
- $8.5/kg increase in chain returns above beach price increase, from product supplied to diversified markets and
- Ongoing commercial support costs beyond year 5 in the order of $1m per annum.

The discounted cumulative cash flow generated over 10 years at 10% discount rate is approximately $135m.

Level of Impact
SRL aims to build the value of exports by $90m per annum in the long term through market development, and based on the above assumptions, this project is expected to contribute approximately $45m - $50m per annum to the target.


1. Determine the super premium markets for Australian Southern Rocklobster in the USA (Mid West, Central, South and East coasts), Middle East and Europe.
2. Determine the Australian Southern Rocklobster and supply specification requirements of the Middle East and European markets.
3. Evaluate the supply chain (SRL Management Model) performance in the USA and Domestic market.
4. Identify effective market entry strategies to achieve market penetration in the USA (Mid West, Central, South and East Coast).

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9803977-3-4
Author: Matthew Muggleton
Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Final Report • 2012-03-01 • 27.96 MB


This report provides a synopsis of the Southern Rocklobster Limited (SRL) Market Development Program from 2004, including the Seafood CRC Project 2007/704; commercial trade facilitation; SRL experiences; and suggested next steps for the SRL Market Development Program (MDP). The report has been written with a commercial focus on SRL’s long-term objective of protecting and/or improving prices through globally diversified markets.

Seafood CRC: southern rocklobster industry research and development planning, implementation and extension

Project number: 2006-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $677,452.83
Principal Investigator: Justin Phillips
Organisation: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
Project start/end date: 27 Feb 2006 - 31 Mar 2011


The Strategic Plan Summary (FRDC 2002/313) reports as follows:
For all its economic promise the industry faces some challenges that constrain growth and profitability:
• Lack of appropriate peak body structure and supply chain fragmentation
• Limited enterprise commitment to joint industry development
• Complacency in dealing with market issues – predominant wild caught focus
• Limited sectoral or peak body strategic planning
• Policy dominated by resource managers and technologists rather than those with commercial and market experience.

The industry structure comprises around 700 small owner operator businesses with little or no capacity to coordinate investment in and manage industry development. Recovering lost industry value and delivering future growth is contingent upon coordinated investment in industry development at the whole of industry level.

SRL is now established and positioned to implement the strategic plan, and integration of R&D work across stakeholders, States, Australia and New Zealand, rock lobster subprograms, researchers and other related disciplines is now feasible under the leadership of SRL.

Two distinct needs are involved in any consideration of better national R&D co-ordination for the southern rock lobster sector:

1. The strategic issues of R&D prioritization, funding and the linkages to (and support for) both industry development plans and Government objectives of industry development.

2. The operational issues of facilitating effective communication and coordination at all levels (industry/researchers, among researchers, among industry, FRDC/researchers etc).


1. To coordinate the investment by FRDC and SRL to achieve the planned outcomes detailed in the SRL Strategic Plan
2. Provide a communication and extension service that complements the individual projects to facilitate adoption of outputs
3. To provide reports to FRDC and SRL Ltd that demonstrate effective management of the individual projects, and contribute to good governance

4th National Rock Lobster Congress - market development workshop

Two years on from Congress 3 in Fremantle 2003, lobster prices are 30% lower, the SA Northern Zone has adopted quota, lobster propagation is developing and product quality is a given in markets. As well, lobster markets, marketing, market development, Marine Stewardship Certification, supply...
Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)
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