PROJECT NUMBER • 2014-012 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Tasmania's coastal reefs: deep reef habitats and significance for finfish production and biodiversity ORGANISATION: University of Tasmania (UTAS) TAGS Survey Recreational Fishing Rac Tas Habitat Fishing Gear SPECIES Striped Trumpeter Banded Morwong Longsnout Boarfish Leatherjackets Trumpeters
PROJECT NUMBER • 2008-312 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Fostering a partnership between FRDC and MDCA to improve communication of research to the community ORGANISATION: Marine Discovery Centre Henley Beach TAGS Workshop Education Community Communications Awareness SPECIES Longsnout Boarfish Black Bream Black Deepsea Cardinalfish Greenlip Abalone Flounders
PROJECT NUMBER • 1997-404 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED New product development: reformed fish products from fish processing waste ORGANISATION: Connectica International (Qsun Foods) TAGS Workforce Sustainability Promotion Market Opportunities Consumer SPECIES Sea Mullet Longsnout Boarfish Barramundi Australian Salmons