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Scallop aquaculture: The growth, processing and marketing of live scallops

Project number: 1993-161
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $110,000.00
Principal Investigator: Haruo Moriya
Organisation: Tasmanian Scallops Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 4 Apr 1994 - 30 Sep 1995


1. To develop the means of maintaining live scallop condition through the harvesting, seabord storage and on-shore storage.
2. To develop mechanical shell cleaning system for live scallops
3. To develop a packaging and temperature maintenance system that will ensure the best condition and live viability of scallops during the freight and distribution stage. The company will aim to provide two days of live status in the hands of the customer under established recommended conditions
4. To prepare a comprehensive marketing plan to cover both domestic and export markets. From this marketing plan, develop a business strategy for servicing new markets and the ongoing service of current embryonic markets

Final report

Author: Haruo Moriya
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 2.78 MB


The demand for live scallop is quite strong. The main customer of live scallop is restaurants. Restaurants require the freshness to attract their customer. Live scallop is good to impress the freshness. The freshness is the key word to add value to scallop product.
The freshness of live scallop is indicated by the mortality. The company examined the effect of air exposure on mortality that arises from transporting. The company developed the means of maintaining live scallop condition through the result of examination. The company introduced sea water cooling system for on-shore storage. 
Cultured scallop is attached by oyster, mussel, sea squirt and other marine life. It needs cleaning. The company used to do this by hand. The company introduced the shell cleaning machine. Economical advantage was tested by comparison between hand cleaning and machine cleaning. 
When transporting live scallop, insulation and keeping cool are important factor. The best combination of packing material is verified by examination. 
Scallop live market is still embryonic. The company requested the University of Tasmania to study overseas and domestic live scallop market. The company framed a marketing strategy through that study.
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