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Economic Evaluation of FRDC Funding Submissions of 2001-series projects - Evaluation of Selected FRDC Research Impacting the Environment

Project number: 2001-313.80
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $40,000.00
Organisation: eSYS Development Australia
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 2001 - 30 Dec 2001

Final report

Final Report • 2018-01-22 • 2.45 MB


eSYS Development and BDA Group were contracted by the FRDC to carry out an economic evaluation of the 2001/200-240 series projects submitted for funding consideration. Benefit cost analysis was used to estimate the expected economic pay off on all submitted projects - as measured by a project's net present value (the difference between project benefits and costs over a 20 year period) and benefit cost ratio (the ratio of all project benefits to all project costs).
Final Report • 2018-01-22 • 3.07 MB


eSYS Development and BDA Group were contracted by the FRDC to carry out an economic evaluation of eleven completed research projects. The projects selected were believed to have generated significant environmental benefits, and in some cases, significant commercial benefits as well. An important objective of the study has been to include, to the extent practically feasible, environmental valuations into the assessment framework, so that the total payoff to research can be considered more meaningfully. To date there has been little quantitative evaluation of FRDC projects targeted at environmental impacts. Projects included:
•The abalone fishery and sea urchins in NSW (1993-102)
•Diagnostic tests for the detection of the ENHV virus (1992-066)
•South East fishery ecosystem (1994-040 & 1996-275)
•By-catch reduction in the NSW prawn fishery (1993-180 & 1988-108)
•Stock structure of the orange roughy fishery
•Fish use of sub-tropical salt marsh habitat (1997-203)
•Barramundi and other finfish in coastal wetlands (1997-201)
•Fish and invertebrates utilizing restored wetlands (1995-150)
•Restoration of estuarine fisheries habitat (1994-041)
•Impact of prawn farm effluent on coastal waters (1997-212)
•Physical effects of hauling on sea grass beds (1996-286)
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