PROJECT NUMBER • 2021-104 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Applying the fisheries climate adaptation handbook to Australia's state fisheries ORGANISATION: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart TAGS Fisheries Management Climate Resilience Climate Change Capacity Building Adaptation
PROJECT NUMBER • 2019-112 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Assessing the impacts of trawl gear on sawfishes in the Northern Prawn Fishery with the aim to identify and test mitigation measures ensuring the long-term sustainability of Sawfish populations in northern Australia ORGANISATION: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart TAGS Rac Cmwth SPECIES Prawns
PROJECT NUMBER • 2018-104 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Next generation decision support tools to support sustainable aquaculture in Storm Bay ORGANISATION: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart TAGS Waste Sustainability Storm Bay Stakeholder Modelling SPECIES Atlantic Salmon