PROJECT NUMBER • 2024-027 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Centro Workshop - Actions and management outcomes for Longspined Sea Urchin ORGANISATION: Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) TAGS Rac Vic Rac Tas Rac Nsw Market Opportunities Invasive Species SPECIES Southern Rock Lobster Abalone Sea Urchins
PROJECT NUMBER • 2024-012 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Capturing fisher ecological knowledge of climate change: a Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery case study ORGANISATION: Fishwell Pty Ltd TAGS Rac Cmwth Fisheries Management Commercial Species Climate Change Climate Adaptation
PROJECT NUMBER • 2024-002 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Sponsorship: WISA Power Up Breakfast 2024 Seafood Directions ORGANISATION: Women in Seafood Australasia (WISA) TAGS Conference Capacity Building
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-210 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Abalone Council Australia Ltd management of the national wild catch abalone research, development and extension program (2024 to 2029) ORGANISATION: Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA) TAGS Co-Management SPECIES Abalone
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-205 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Role of marine reserves in sustainable management of Australia's ocean estate - review of the Heard Island and McDonald Islands bioregion ORGANISATION: TJB Management Pty Ltd SPECIES Patagonian Toothfish
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-200 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Community Sentiment Survey ORGANISATION: Intuitive Solutions TAGS Survey
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-194 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Establish an on-line portal where Australian seaweed industry members can find contact details and useful associated information to facilitate state and federal government permitting of seaweed related activities ORGANISATION: Honey and Fox Pty Ltd TAGS Seaweed
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-173 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Science to support Australia's Southern Oceans Fisheries 2024-2028 ORGANISATION: Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) TAGS Tagging Stock Assessment Commercial Species Bycatch SPECIES Patagonian Toothfish
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-170 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT FRDC Fish Tank: building the research communities capability and capacity (Seafood Directions 2024/2026) ORGANISATION: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) TAGS Travel Bursary Leadership Communications
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-162 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Transformation in Commonwealth Fisheries Management Policy: connecting research, policy and practice in addressing shifting expectations ORGANISATION: Commonwealth Fisheries Association Inc (CFA) TAGS Rac Cmwth