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National Fisheries Technical Workshop Series: "Recreational Fishing: What's The Catch"

Project number: 1994-051
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $37,323.00
Principal Investigator: John Glaister
Organisation: Australian Society For Fish Biology Inc
Project start/end date: 3 Sep 1994 - 22 Jun 1996


1. To promote the opportunity during the Australian Society for Fish Biology annual conference for the national fisheries research expertise to focus on a technical area or subject of current or perceived national or regional fisheries significance.
2. To support where appropriate visiting fisheries scientists of acknowledged expertise in the workshop subject area to offer a national or international perspective
3. To assist in the publication of workshop proceedings as a benchmark document of current knowledge in the workshop subject area
4. As a result, to identify, and define research questions of national fisheries significance.
5. The proposed workshop - "Recreational Fishing: What's the Catch" - will focus on the standardisation of methods to allow for more ready comparison of recreational catch and effort data

Final report

ISBN: 0 644 35992 7
Author: D.A. Hancock
Final Report • 1995-12-06 • 9.57 MB


This Workshop entitled 'Recreational fish­ing: what's the catch?' continues the series, commenced in 1985 by the Australian Society for Fish Biology. The major objec­tive of the Workshops has been to promote the opportunity, during the Society's Annual Conference, for the national fish and fisheries expertise to focus on an issue or issues of regional or national signifi­cance. The Workshop proceedings are now widely regarded as the benchmark document of current knowledge in the Workshop subject area.

The 1995 Workshop was extremely timely. Recreational fishing is a multi-million dollar industry, with over 4.5 million Australians estimated to participate each year. A number of recent State inquiries into recreational fishing and the draft National Policy for Recreational Fishing all highlight the dearth of informa­tion on major recreational fisheries. At the same time there has been an increased and more rigorous research effort.

This was the first extensive national Work­shop held in Australia focusing on aspects of assessing recreational fisheries and some of the crucial issues concerning the man­agement of these fisheries. It dealt with methods of estimating the catch, to the thornier issues of estimating value and resource allocation.

The Workshop commenced informally with a stimulating and provocative speech by well known fishing identity Rex Hunt. Dr Bob Kearney, Director of the New South Wales Fisheries Research Institute ' set the scene for the two-day meeting by courageously attempting to estimate the total Australian recreational catch for his keynote address. His summing-up was also of the highest quality. The Society would also like to acknowledge the contribution of international guest speakers, Laurel Teirney (MAFFisheries NZ), Rudy van der Elst (Oceanographic Research Insti­tute, Durban, South Africa), and Stephen Malvestuto (US).

These proceedings follow the format of recent years with papers delivered by panel members and followed by rapporteurs' reports of the ensuing discussions. Not sur­prisingly, for issues concerning recreational fishing, the latter were lively and thought provoking.

The Workshop was a great success as evi­denced by the Society releasing its first ever Media Release on key outcomes of the meeting. As always many people contrib­uted to its smooth running. Martine Kinloch and Julian Pepperell had the diffi­cult job of actually putting the whole thing together, as convenors of the Workshop. John Glaister was responsible for successful applications to funding bodies. Gina Newton chaired the local organising com­mittee and Phil Stewart was the Workshop Facilitator.



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