33 results

People development program: Aquatic animal health training scheme - Fish kill investigation training for Shane Roberts & John Gilliland

Project number: 2009-315.29
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,800.00
Principal Investigator: Shane D. Roberts
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2013 - 29 Jun 2014


Government and industry have state, national and international obligations for responding to biosecurity incursions, including notifiable diseases. The emergency response framework includes OIE (world organisation for animal health) manuals, national AQUAVETPLAN manuals, State legislation and emergency management plans. Readiness requires on-going training to ensure skills are maintained and updated.

Ongoing aquatic disease response training should be considered at the National, State and industry levels (FRDC 2012/044). National protocols for fish kill investigations have previously been documented (FRDC 2005/620). South Australia have since developed protocols for responding to fish kills (PIRSA's Emergency Management Doucment: aquatic animal health). However, a fish kill training program (in line with national standards) in South Australia (aimed at government and industry personnel) is needed.

This project (training funds) aims to upskill key PIRSA fish kill investigators by attending the WA fish kill investigation course.

As an outcome, knowledge gained will assist in the development of a fish kill training program in South Australia.


1. Up-skill key PIRSA fish kill staff through attendance at a nationally recognised Western Australia Fish Kill workshop
2. Disseminate knowledge to government and industry personnel

Seafood CRC: South Australian Marine Fin Fish to Europe Market Development Plan

Project number: 2008-776
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $15,833.00
Principal Investigator: Justin Ross
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 14 Sep 2008 - 30 Oct 2008


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

People Development Program: FRDC indigenous development scholarship - Matthew Osborne

Project number: 2008-326.36
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $8,377.94
Principal Investigator: Daniel Casement
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 27 Feb 2013 - 30 Jan 2014


The indigenous development scholarship is part of the suite of professional development opportunities developed and managed through the FRDC people development program. This particular scholarship addresses the following objectives of the people development program 2008-2013:

Objective 1 Enhance industry leadership within all sectors
and; Objective 3 Provide opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adoption

The significant drivers identified in the FRDC people development program, addressed by this project
- There is a shortage of industry leaders in all sectors of the fishing industry.
- There is an urgent need to develop people within all sectors who have the skills to effectively contribute to debate and policy development for significant challenges, including access to fish resources.
-Early career researchers and emerging industry leaders lack opportunities for formal mentoring and
professional development.
-There is a shortage of opportunities for people in industry to develop skills that are going to directly
improve business profitability and sustainability.
-The industry is geographically dispersed and fragmented, and needs opportunities to learn within and
across sectors.


1. To provide one annual scholarship for an indigenous person
2. To encourage maximm benefit from the scholarship with a personalised learning program and mentoring

People development program: 2014 FRDC International Travel Award - Sean R. Sloan

Project number: 2008-314.43
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,000.00
Principal Investigator: Sean R. Sloan
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2014 - 28 Nov 2014


The need relates to extension of the national harvest strategy guidelines to international fisheries management and science agencies and the exchange of information and knowledge in relation to the work being undertaken in other parts of the world on fishy harvest strategies.


1. To extend the National Harvest Strategy Guidelines to other international fisheries science and management institutions
2. To exchange information and knowledge with other international fisheries management and science institutions

South Australia innovative solutions for aquaculture access and management initiative

Project number: 2003-224
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $9,960.00
Principal Investigator: Colin Johnston
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 2003 - 30 Jun 2003


1. The South Australian Government has clearly defined that the development of aquaculture, in particular finfish farming, is a high priority outcome. To ensure this happens it has identified outputs of defined specification to address the delivery of this outcome. This will be an ongoing program over many years that requires a novel program structure as opposed to the normal project structure undertaken by FRDC and PIRSA. The project will address this need by:
1.1 Providing the opportunity to improve the current level of management adoption of research within South Australia. This is consistent with the FRDC’s recent call for management to have a greater influence on the direction of research and development and an increased role in the management, adoption and execution of research and development;
1.2 Providing a framework for better management of State funds in the context of research and development and management to ensure timely delivery of results; and
1.3 Providing greater certainty in planning research and development in the future as it gives a quantifiable investment that will be put into a specific program. This means there is an obligation by all parties to ensure that they meet their financial commitment.


1. It is proposed that PIRSA and FRDC develop a partnership for the development of the aquaculture industry in South Australia with particular regard to finfish farming. This partnership will develop research and development critical to the ongoing regulation and development of this industry.
2. The partnership will develop the following outputs:·To establish a strategic policy and legislative framework based on the principles of ecologically sustainable development to build, manage and protect South Australia’s aquaculture resources.·To develop a decision support system for aquaculture integrating information from a variety of sources with objective qualitative and quantitative decision criteria and risk considerations to improve the clarity, transparency and certainty of tactical and strategic decision-making by regulators.·To improve aquaculture allocation decisions and management responses by developing risk-based spatial impact and carrying capacity models to increase understanding of the broad scale impacts associated with aquaculture.·To develop and adopt incentive instruments that are outcome focused and effectively integrate economic, social and environmental considerations to deliver better regulatory outcomes, reduced costs and greater innovation.·To develop appropriate decision criteria based on a widely accessible information management system, assessing population dynamics of sea lion colonies in proximity to aquaculture developments and developing better practice models for managing interactions between marine animals and aquaculture to ensure regulators and industry have the capacity to effectively manage interactions between marine animals and aquaculture.·To develop appropriate sustainability indicators, undertake an audit the sustainability of the industry and publish a State of the Aquaculture Industry Report to provide a transparent snapshot of the sustainability of South Australia’s aquaculture industry.·To develop techniques, knowledge and policies to ensure the effective management of parasites of yellowtail kingfish and interactions between farmed and wild populations to ensure the long-term sustainability of the yellowtail kingfish aquaculture sector.
3. Notwithstanding these known outputs it is intended that the needs of managers and the industry will be refined in real time. The purpose of this structure is to ensure that investment in other areas of research and development occurs in a structured manner that meets these needs.

Innovative Solutions for Aquaculture: potential for parasite interactions between wild and farmed kingfish, discrimination of farmed and wild fish and assessment of migratory behaviour

This project greatly contributed to an increased understanding of parasite fauna of yellowtail kingfish in Australian waters. This baseline information is critical to understanding potential parasite interactions between wild and farmed kingfish. Our risk assessment enables consideration...
Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)

Development of a national biotoxin strategy

In Australia aquaculture and wild harvest of shellfish is an economically important and growing industry. The safety of these products as a food source is of utmost importance from both public health and economic points of view. One of the potential problems faced by shellfish growers is...
Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
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