2 results

SCRC: SCRC Honours Scholarship H4.1 Sustaining Australia’s aquaculture competitiveness by developing technological advances in genetics: Discovery of functional genes for commercial traits.(Abigail Elizur; Student Nicole Ertl)

Project number: 2009-776
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Abigail Elizur
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 20 Dec 2009 - 20 Dec 2010

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-56-5
Author: Nicole Gertraud Ertl
Final Report • 2010-12-21 • 1.33 MB


Body colouration, an important survival, mate selection and communication mechanism for animals in the wild, has also significant commercial implications. In aquaculture, a darker body colour in prawns can increase farm profitability by AU$ 2-4 dollar per kilo of prawns. Therefore, there is a strong commercial interest in increasing colour intensity of prawns grown in captivity. In this study, the focus was on F. merguiensis, and the determination of factors that could be involved in colour formation in this species.

Molecular techniques were employed to clone and isolate crustacyanin subunits, genes known to be responsible for colouration in other crustacean species, from the muscle/cuticle tissue of F. merguiensis prawns and to develop gene specific primers to quantify the levels of crustacyanin gene expression in the cuticle of prawns displaying three different colour phenotypes (albino, light and dark).

The sequences encoding for the crustacyanin subunits A and C were isolated from the cuticle tissue in F. merguiensis and their expression levels characterised in prawns displaying different colouration patterns.

SCRC: Development of germ cell transplantation technology for the Australian aquaculture industry

Project number: 2011-730
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Abigail Elizur
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 14 Sep 2011 - 29 Jan 2014


Currently SBT is being bred in an expensive on-shore facility at Arno Bay, where a single tank holds a limited number of broodstock, which spawn for a limited period of time. In order to expand on the
production of SBT seed, additional facilities/tanks at the costs of millions of dollars will be required and
sourcing additional 12 year old broodstock. Therefore there is a need to look at alternative approaches
for SBT broodstock management. This proposal explores the application of a highly innovative
approach - that is the use of fish surrogates to produce SBT. By identifying the right surrogate for SBT
and developing the specific know-how with respect to optimal germ cell management, SBT seed could
be produced in a fast maturing small host. This would completely overcome the need for large,
expensive broodstock facilities and long term holding of broodstock, while ensuring a continuous
supply of SBT seed, which is much needed for larval rearing R&D and commercialization. This
application relates to the overall investment in closing of the life-cycle of SBT.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9804744-3-5
Authors: Abigail Elizur Erin Bubner Ido Bar Andre Smith Scott Cummins Luke Dutney and Peter Lee
Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.

Final Report • 2014-05-01 • 6.61 MB


The project was designed to explore the application of surrogate technology as an alternative broodstock system for the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). Surrogate technology, also known as germ cell transplantation, uses germ cells from a donor species, in this case SBT, and transplants them into a host species, the surrogate. The germ cells can migrate and form part of the host’s gonad, resulting in the production of the donor sperm and egg by the host gonad.

We have explored the suitability of the Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) as a surrogate for SBT. Over 12,000 YTK larvae were injected with SBT germ cells, and 3-4 weeks after transplantation we could observe the migration and colonisation of the SBT cells (which are labelled with red florescence dye for ease of detection) to the YTK genital ridge, confirming SBT cells responded to YTK migration cues. Transplanted larvae were raised and samples assessed a few months later, however so far we could not detect SBT cells in the maturing YTK, indicating that whilst SBT germ cells respond to the YTK migration cues we cannot confirm proliferation of the germ cells in the YTK host at this stage. About 100 YTK approaching one year of age are maintained at CST and will need to be examined for the presence of SBT sperm or eggs once they reach sexual maturity.