4 results

Seafood CRC: Improved understanding of economics in fisheries harvest strategies

Project number: 2013-748.40
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $31,830.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Knuckey
Organisation: Seafood CRC Company Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Aug 2014 - 26 Feb 2015


Successful adoption of fisheries harvest strategies is benefited by a good understanding of the underlying concepts. Generally, the concept of "sustainability" is well understood by all stakeholders and has been implemented in all state and Commonwealth harvest strategies around Australia. The concept of "Maximum Economic Yield" (MEY) in fisheries harvest strategies, on the other hand, is far less well understood and (as a result?) is much more poorly implemented.
Despite improvements in the assessment and harvest strategy process over the last decade, there
remains a great deal of industry frustration and misunderstanding about how this translates into
management decisions. Having spoken to many industry members during this time, we know that
much (but not all) of this frustration is a direct result of lack of knowledge about assessment
techniques and assumptions, and how these interplay with the harvest strategy. Once they have
acquired this knowledge, Industry members, with their extensive experience on the water, become extremely valuable members of RAGs and MACs and can help improve the assessment and management process and the understanding of other members.
A better understanding of the MEY concept, particularly by the commercial fishing industry is urgently required so there is better support for and implementation of MEY-based harvest strategies.


1. Increase the level of understanding of industry and fisheries managers on the role and benefits of fisheries economics in fisheries management
2. Production of a short (5-8minute) video on economics in fisheries harvest strategies.
3. Production of a power point presentation on the economics in fisheries in harvest strategies.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9941559-7-9
Authors: Ian Knuckey Matt Woods Matt Koopman Ian Cartwright Caleb Gardner and Richard McGarvey
Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

Final Report • 2016-11-23 • 2.30 MB


Increased understanding amongst the commercial fishing industry of economic considerations in the management of fisheries was considered a high priority by the CRC, who identified a need to get better support for and implementation of harvest strategies based on Maximum Economic Yield. Experience has shown that video is an effective medium for educating the fishing industry, providing the required technical information is at a level that suits the target audience, with imagery of commercial fishing operations to hold the audience’s focus.

This project has produced an educational video, brochure and Power Point presentation that will be distributed widely prior to submission of the Final Report to fishery peak bodies, government departments, educational institutions and environmental NGOs to improve their understanding of fisheries economics. The video is hosted on the YouTube channel developed for FRDC Project 2010-306 “Empowering Industry through Improved Understanding of Stock Assessments and Harvest Strategies“, and the brochure and Power Point are attached as appendices.

SCRC: Seafood Post Harvest Research Innovation Hub

Project number: 2013-716
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jayne M. Gallagher
Organisation: Seafood CRC Company Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Mar 2013 - 29 Mar 2014


The Seafood CRC has supported the development of seafood post harvest research capacity in SARDI, CESSH, QDAFF, UTas, Uni SA and USC. This capacity will be a key part of the Program 2 CRC legacy. At the end of 2012 PM2 organsied for a meeting of researchers from CESSH, SARDI and QDAFF to explore opportunities for collaboration in developing legacy projects. At that meeting it was clear that there was not enough interaction between the three centers and that they were largely unaware of each others capabilities, industry linkages and facility capacity. It was also obvious that there were opportunities for learning from each other that were not being capitalised upon. It was agreed to hold meetings every 2 months at each of the organisations and to invite other organisations to participate (UTas, USC, Uni SA). All participants would fund their own attendance costs and where possible would send 2 people.

A second meeting was held in February 2013 at QDAFF. At that meeting PM 3 attended together with Fuller Communications and work has commenced on creating a capabilities document. There was also some discussion about how best to communicate and extend research results to industry end users. The role of the CRC's SeaFOOD magazine was brought up in that context and it was agreed that the Hub would provide input to the planning of each issue and actively engage in identifying and preparing stories for it. Participants at that meeting included several researchers who were not at the first meeting. Again the participants found the meeting valuable and a third meeting is sheduled for 27/3/2013 at SARDI.

There is an opportunity to grow and expand this hub to include more researchers. This will provide opportunities for
a) better collaboration between researchers
b) improved research responses to industry needs
c) further development of the researcher capabilities
d) coordinating communication and extension of results.

There is also potential for engaging with non CRC researchers and for facilitating international collaboration and engagement. As the next bid is primarily focused on post harvest research there is a need to provide support to this group of researchers and expand the membership of the hub.

Seafood CRC: Introduction to the use of bioeconomics in fisheries management for key decision makers

Project number: 2013-748.30
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $17,824.80
Principal Investigator: Tim Emery
Organisation: Seafood CRC Company Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2014 - 29 Jun 2015


Many fisheries managers in Australia have no formal fisheries management, let alone fisheries economics, background or training and tend to learn 'on the job'. There is currently a large gap between economists, researchers and fisheries managers. The latter group is under extreme pressure due to budgetary cuts and if the extensive results of the CRC FH harvest projects are to adopted, there is a need close that gap. The proposed workshop will demonstrate to senior fisheries managers that Government does have a key role in ensuring that the benefits from fisheries are realised, and that this includes economic benefits. They will learn about the application of a wide range of tools available to achieve this.

Other than the FH masterclass series of training courses there is almost a total absence of an opportunity for fisheries managers to be introduced to contemporary fisheries management approaches, including bioeconomic analysis. The recent AFMF workshop on small scale fisheries management held in Adelaide was an exception, and demonstrated the use and value of an interactive forum to increase the understanding and uptake of new concepts in fisheries management.


1. Increased dialogue and establishment of networks of fisheries managers engaged in policy and fisheries management planning involving economic analysis and considerations
2. Fisheries managers are aware of the developments in fisheries economics and bioeconomic modelling, including success stories from the FH suite of projects.
3. Exposure of fisheries managers to international innovations in fisheries economics

Final report

ISBN: 9781862958074
Authors: Timothy Emery Caleb Gardner and Ian Cartwright
Final Report • 2016-03-22 • 680.03 KB


A bio-economic workshop for fisheries managers was held to discuss the importance of economic objectives and the role of government and industry in attaining those objectives.

Participants learnt how economic analyses, such as bio-economics, can identify management changes that can improve fishery yield. Furthermore, participants heard how the use of economic analyses and bio-economics has increased profitability in the Shark Bay Prawn trawl and Western Australian rock lobster fisheries respectively.

A bio-economic workshop for fisheries managers was held to discuss the importance of economic objectives and the role of government and industry in attaining those objectives.

Participants learnt how economic analyses, such as bio-economics, can identify management changes that can improve fishery yield. Furthermore, participants heard how the use of economic analyses and bio-economics has increased profitability in the Shark Bay Prawn trawl and Western Australian rock lobster fisheries respectively.

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