149 results

Advance-In-Seafood Leadership Program

Project number: 2004-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $132,000.00
Principal Investigator: Cheryl Phillips
Organisation: Changing Industries
Project start/end date: 30 Dec 2004 - 30 Jun 2008


The success of the inaugural Strategic Leadership Development Program has lead to growth in support from among industry members. The expansion of the State-based Personal Development / Leadership Program, from its origins in South Australia to other states, is also increasing the number of industry members who have a grounding in this area and who are looking for further training and development opportunities. This has resulted in demand for further National courses to be run each year commencing in 2002.
One component of project 2000/307 was to develop a budget for delivery of the program. The result of this process was identification of a budget of approximately $7,400 per participant in the program (see attached). In many instances this would be prohibitive for either industry or individuals and would restrict the type of applicants and participants attracted to the program.
State FarmBis programs offer some level of support to fishing and aquaculture practitioners however each state has a different level of support and people in other sections of the industry (other than practitioners) are ineligible for funding. There is, therefore, a need for some subsidy, or scholarship program, to be offered to industry participants to ensure representation from throughout the market chain and all industry sectors.


1. Provide scholarships for industry members to participate in the National Seafood Industry Strategic Leadership Development Program.
2. Ensure a broad cross section of industry representation in future National Seafood Industry Strategic Leadership Development Programs.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-49053-3
Author: Cheryl Phillips

Australian Rural Leadership Program

Project number: 2002-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $265,000.00
Principal Investigator: Stephen Clark
Organisation: Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2003 - 1 Sep 2005


To help shape and secure a competitive, profitable and sustainable future, the fishing industry needs leaders with knowledge, skills and networks. Leaders who will:

1 develop and share a vision for their industry;

2 operate effectively in an international context;

3 establish strategic alliances and build strong links within and across industry sectors;

4 identify the competing demands for industry, Government and community support;

5 understand the values, arguments and tactics of other interest groups;

6 deal confidently with industry, Government and community leaders, in Australia and overseas;

7 identify and analyse the strategic issues affecting the future of the fishing industry; and

8 participate in shaping national policies.

The Australian Rural Leadership program prepares leaders for these roles.


1. To support fishing industry participants undertake the Australian Rural Leadership Program.

Australian Rural Leadership Program

Project number: 2005-301
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $112,000.00
Principal Investigator: Stephen Clark
Organisation: Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF)
Project start/end date: 28 Sep 2005 - 30 Jun 2010


The Australian Rural Leadership Program prepares participants to be leaders to help shape and secure a competitive, profitable and sustainable future, the fishing industry needs leaders with knowledge, skills and network. Leaders who will:
1. Develop and share a vision for their industry;
2. Operate effectively in an international context;
3. Establish stategic alliances and build strong links within and across industry sectors;
4. Identify the competing demands for industry, Government and community support;
5. Understand the values, arguments and tactics of other interest groups;
6. Deal confidently with industry, Government and community leaders, in Australian and overseas;
7. Identify and analyse the strategic issues affecting the future of the fishing industry; and
8. Participate in shaping national policies.


1. To further develop participants' leadership skills and knowledge of the environment in which the Australian Fishing industry operates.
2. To encourage Fishing Industry participants to take on higher leadership roles and to network with the diverse range of ARLP graduates across Australia.
3. To help fast track their industry leadership progression by promoting them when opportunities arise.
4. To detail the collective visions from ten courses for the advancement and innovation of rural and regional Australia

National seafood industry advanced leadership program

Project number: 2008-309
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $73,999.20
Principal Investigator: Jill Briggs
Organisation: Affectus Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 12 Dec 2007 - 30 Jun 2009


The success of the national seafood industry leadership program has seen a growth in support from industry and increased competition for places in the progam.

The seafood industry, will always face challenges where leadership is needed. Currently, many fisheries are facing the very real crisis of declining access to fishing resources. Investing in Leadership, and the assocaited networks and cross stakeholder understanding is seen as vitally important for all sectors to be able to contribute to debate, drive change and address challenges in order to enable the fishing industry to reach its potential.

The National Leadership Program has had considerable support from industry throughout the years from sponsorship of key events and in-kind contribution to provision of guest speakers. These areas of support and the ongoing funding as built a leadership program with significant reputation throughout the industry. Rural Training Initiatives is aware that this reputation needs to be protected and enhanced through the delivery of a 2008 program.

As mentioned in the background section, it is critical that the momentum for leadership development is not lost during a 'fallow' year.


1. Develop the leadership capability of the seafood industry
2. Ensure individuals from a broad cross section of industry are encouraged and supported to develop their leadership potential
3. Encourage cross-sectoral understanding within the seafood industry

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9805979-0-5
Author: Jill Briggs

Australian Rural Leadership Program (courses 20-23)

Project number: 2012-400
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $405,000.00
Principal Investigator: Lesley Fitzpatrick
Organisation: Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF)
Project start/end date: 12 Dec 2012 - 29 Dec 2017


The Australian Rural leadership Program prepares participants to be leaders who can help shape and secure a competitive, profitable and sustainable future for rural, regional and remote Australia. The fishing industry needs leaders with knowledge and skills and access to a national network of graduates representing all rural industries, the community sector and relevant policy development areas within government. This will provide fishing industry leaders with the capacity to:
- develop and share a vision for their industry
- operate effectively in a national and international context
- establish strategic alliances and build strong links within and across industry sectors
- identify the competing demands for industry, government and community support
- understand the values, arguments and tactics of other interest groups
- deal confidently with industry, government and community leaders in Australia and overseas
- participant in shaping national policies
- identify and analyse the strategic issues affecting the future of the fishing industry.


1. To further develop participants' leadership skills and knowledge of the environment in which they work and live
2. To provide leaders of the industry with the skills to effectively communicate and consult with a broad audience
3. To help fast-track industry leadership progression by promoting participants when opportunities arise.

Final report

Author: Lesley Fitzpatrick
Final Report • 2018-09-21 • 1.48 MB


The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) has, since 1992, developed and delivered leadership programs that make a difference to individuals, organisations and communities that have a commitment to rural, regional and remote Australia. Since 1992, the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC) has funded the participation of industry leaders in ARLF education programs to support ongoing industry involvement, development and innovation.

The ARLF’s educational programs have evolved over time in response to leadership education research. The Foundation’s programs have, however, always been based upon the offering of diverse experiences and critical reflection sessions. These are the two processes that shape leadership learning. The experiences and critical thinking processes provide the framework within which the Foundation’s identified leadership principles are presented to participants.

The Foundation’s commitment to ARLP and short course graduates is continued through their membership of the LEAD Network. It provides networking and life-long professional and personal development opportunities for all Foundation graduates.

This report, focusing on the fishing industry, demonstrates this success by showcasing the contribution of 46 Foundation graduates and current participants sponsored by FRDC and four other graduates who were sponsored by other industries and organisations, but who work in the fishing industry.

Project products

Report • 2.10 MB


The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation has, since 1992, developed and delivered leadership programs that make a difference to individuals, organisations and communities that have a commitment to rural, regional or remote Australia. Supporting industry and community leaders helps sustain and build social, economic and environmental values throughout rural Australia.

The success of our approach to leadership is evident through the work of our graduates.

This report, focusing on the fishing industry, demonstrates this success by showcasing 45 Foundation graduates and current course participants who all contribute “above and beyond” to rural Australia. This is significant because the first graduate represented in this report, completed the ARLP in 1994, more than 17 years ago.

National seafood industry advanced leadership program - participant sponsorship

Project number: 2008-309.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 12 Dec 2007 - 30 Jun 2009


The success of the national seafood industry leadership program has seen a growth in support from industry and increased competition for places in the progam.

The seafood industry, will always face challenges where leadership is needed. Currently, many fisheries are facing the very real crisis of declining access to fishing resources. Investing in Leadership, and the assocaited networks and cross stakeholder understanding is seen as vitally important for all sectors to be able to contribute to debate, drive change and address challenges in order to enable the fishing industry to reach its potential.

The National Leadership Program has had considerable support from industry throughout the years from sponsorship of key events and in-kind contribution to provision of guest speakers. These areas of support and the ongoing funding as built a leadership program with significant reputation throughout the industry. Rural Training Initiatives is aware that this reputation needs to be protected and enhanced through the delivery of a 2008 program.

As mentioned in the background section, it is critical that the momentum for leadership development is not lost during a 'fallow' year.


1. Develop the leadership capability of the seafood industry
2. Ensure individuals from a broad cross section of industry are encouraged and supported to develop their leadership potential
3. Encourage cross-sectoral understanding within the seafood industry
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