This is a report on ‘stock synthesis’ software training by CSIRO. Noted are training outputs and learnings, together with an assessment of what role stock synthesis (SS) may play in Department of Agriculture and
Fisheries (DAF) fish stock assessments. Findings suggest SS could...
The development of the ECHO software has enabled the collection and analysis of large multifrequency acoustic data sets. The data can now be processed in a timely manner (via overlays) to quality assure and interpret underlying acoustic characteristics in the signals. From these analyses we can...
The Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Center is developing a Theme Business Plan to support and coordinate a cooperative approach to aquaculture genetics research in the CRC. One of the needs identified in the development of this plan is the provision of tools and technologies to facilitate...
The Western Australian Fishing Industry Council has had a comprehensive health and safety code for use in the wild catch fishing industry in place since 1992. The OSH Code (hereafter referred to as the Code) was developed as a result of an increasing fatality and serious incident rate within the...
Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Increasing environmental concerns and policy shifts toward more holistic fishery ecosystem management have resulted in demand for rapid, non-destructive assessment techniques for sensing both target and non-target species in fisheries and mariculture, and for mapping benthic habitats. Underwater...