Project number: 2000-234
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $95,765.00
Principal Investigator: John Maddams
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 23 Oct 2000 - 30 Sep 2003


ASIC needs to instigate a proper process to collate a national Commercial Fishing Industry response to the NMSC proposals to change the USL Code and input into the new National Marine Safety Strategy.

Commercial Fishing Industry representatives from each State/Territory need to conduct a series of workshops to formulate a national response to the above.

Timelines for submissions to NMSC need to be reconsidered to allow industry to meet, consider and form a national Commercial Fishing Industry response to the changes and implications listed in the preceeding Background paragraph. This matter has been taken up with NMSC.


1. Conduct at least two rounds of States/Territory workshops, coordinated and managed by an ASIC appointed secretariat ( WAFIC accepts this role) to formulate State/Territory positions in relation to the USL Code amendments and National Marine Safety Strategy.
2. Develop a report that summarises the views and recommends a national approach to USL Code issues from the Commercial Fishing Industry.
3. Present ASIC's recommendations/findings to NMSC

Final report

ISBN: 0-646-42437-8
Author: John Maddams
Final Report • 2003-06-10 • 1.35 MB


In the drafting of the new national safety standards, ASIC considered it an imperative that the industry's interests should be acknowledged and not dominated by other and perhaps more vocal sectors of the broader maritime industry. ASIC sought therefore to instigate a process that would result in a collated national industry response to the new National Marine Safety Strategy.

In March 2000 a project application was forwarded by WAFIC, acting on behalf of ASIC, to the Fisheries Research and Development Council (FRDC), for industry to access the necessary funds to support a series of State/Territory and National workshops to progressively review the development of the Parts of the new NSCV and to collate industry's response on behalf of ASIC for presentation to NMSC.

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