Project number: 2001-006
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $358,000.00
Principal Investigator: Terence I. Walker
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 30 Dec 2001 - 1 Jul 2007


Time and again, good research results have been wasted because there has been poor industry support, lack of industry consultation and a low level of effective extension of the results to grass-roots industry. Through Project 98/204, we have developed outstanding bycatch reduction results in the SETF with full industry support, high levels of consultation and an extensive extension process. Whilst all of the newsletters and videos have achieved a high level of Industry awareness of the bycatch reduction project, it is now time to promote and encourage industry uptake of the modfied codend designs. This will require hands-on work with the fishers on a one-on-one basis and further analysis of fish behaviour to reduce discards in trawl gear to a greater extent. This proposal seeks funds to support this phase of the project and continue the outstanding success of 98/204 in reducing the bycatch in SEF trawlers.

As evidence of the effective extension of the results of the current FRDC project 98/204, operators within the Great Australian Bight trawl fishery have shown keen interest in deploying modified gear to reduce bycatch in their fishery. As such, they have expressed their enthusiasm in participating in a project of this nature and wish to be included as participants within this proposal.The project budget and methods have been revised to reflect this.


1. Through application in normal fishing practices, Industry will improve the initial gear modifications (from project 98/204) to retain commercial species and reduce bycatch and discarding.
2. Voluntary uptake of modified gear by a large percentage of commercial fishers in the South East Trawl Fishery
3. Allow fishers to observe fish behaviour, trial, modify and improve the gear over a twelve month period assisted by underwater video equipment.
4. Review alterations that fishers have made and scientifically test the performance of the modified gear and review changes to fish behaviour within the gear.

Final report

ISBN: 978‐1‐74264‐249‐9
Author: Terence Walker

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