Project number: 2010-747
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $127,873.84
Principal Investigator: Rachel King
Organisation: Oysters Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2011 - 29 Jun 2014


This project is needed to:

1. Phase the Oyster Consortium in to the R & D body within ‘Oysters Australia’
This project is intended as an extension of Seafood CRC project 2007/715: “Oyster consortium - communication, extension and management of R&D results” during phase in of a proposed national entity for the edible oyster industry (‘Oysters Australia’).

The Oyster Consortium was formed to defragment state based approach to R & D in the oyster industry. 2007/715 was designed to facilitate strategic and national commissioning, management, communication and extension of the industry’s R & D projects.

The national industry plans to form a national entity enabling it to take further ownership of its R & D investment. Agreement on structure of ‘Oysters Australia’s’ R & D body and funding mechanisms has not yet taken place. It is premature to cease co-investment in oyster industry R & D project co-ordination while it has no other funding option.

Funding mechanisms and future budget will be addressed and actioned from January 2012 in Stage 2 of the formation of Oysters Australia.

2. Advise and co-ordinate oyster specific CRC projects for Seafood CRC

The Oyster Consortium has/is engaged in almost 50 projects to date. These projects require varying levels of intervention. The oyster industry's investment benefits from a co-ordinated approach to project link and communication so as to maximise return on investment. Co-ordination and communication will continue with stakeholders including industry, CRC and R & D providers.


1. Manage a national strategic approach to oyster research and development that is aligned to the Business Plan
2. Manage project development
3. Manage and implement a communications plan to keep end-users, researchers and funding agencies informed and ensure research results are rapidly and widely adopted.
4. To estabilish and maintain collaboration within projects for the oyster industry
5. Represent the Oyster consortium at Seafood CRC core participant meeting

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9756045-7-1
Author: Rachel King
Final Report • 2014-08-06 • 1.65 MB


The formation of The Oyster Consortium Ltd and its evolution into Oysters Australia Ltd (OA) was the culmination of a seven year process of increased cooperation and improved social interaction among Australia’s oyster farmers. In 2010, the Oyster Consortium was engaged in 50 projects requiring varying levels of intervention. The oyster industry's investment benefits from a co-ordinated approach to project linkages and industry communication so as to maximise return on investment. This project continued the core functions of Seafood CRC project 2007/715 but within the newly incorporated OA.

The project objectives were to:

  1. Manage a national strategic approach to oyster research and development that is aligned to the Business Plan.
  2. Manage project development
  3. Manage and implement a communications plan to keep end-users, researchers and funding agencies informed and ensure research results are rapidly and widely adopted.
  4. Establish and maintain collaboration within projects for the oyster industry
  5. Represent the OA at Seafood CRC core participant meetings

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