Published: 7 July 2021 Updated: 19 July 2024
Table of contents


The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 s 11C to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be 'unreasonable'
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be 'unreasonable'
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be 'unreasonable'
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in this register has been released by the FRDC under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is available for public access, generally for 12 months. Some information may remain on the disclosure log for longer than 12 months if it remains in the public interest.

Information will be published on the disclosure log between one and 10 days after it is released to the FOI applicant.

If you seek access to any of the documents contained in the disclosure log, please email requesting access to the document. Please ensure that your email request includes the following details:

  • name of person making the request;
  • reference to the appropriate 'Document Request No';
  • return email address - as the documents will ordinarily be provided to you in electronic form;
  • details of any alternate format for receipt of document, if email is not appropriate; and
  • alternate contact details, including telephone number.

Please note that FRDC may impose a charge upon you for accessing the information, in accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. FRDC will only impose a charge if your request is particularly large or you require the documents in a format other than as a PDF attachment to an email.

If you have any questions in relation to access to documents contained in the disclosure log, please contact the FOI Officer or 02 61222118.

Disclosure Log

FOI Reference

Release Date

Scope of Request

Summary of documents released (and whether released in full or part)

Other information

FOI29052024 19 Jul 2024 The applicant requested access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used. 1 document was released in full. To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer.
FOI17102022 1 Apr 2023 The applicant requested documents in connection with FRDC Funded Project 2019-021. 5 documents released in part, with redaction of irrelevant material. To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer.


16 July 2019

The applicant requested documents in connection with Western Rock Lobster Council Inc.

9 documents released in part, with redaction of irrelevant material.

To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer.


10 Oct 2018

The applicant requested reports by organisations visited by the National Carp Control Plan (NCCP).

A report is publically available.

The applicant was advised of the website link.


10 Oct 2018

The applicant requested systematic and quantitative risk assessment process conclusions from NCCP workshop processes.

Once work has concluded, it will be made publically available.



17 Jul 2018

The applicant requested a list of overseas organisations consulted by the NCCP.

One document released with reference to the organisations.

To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer.


15 Aug 2018

The applicant requested a transcript of a question and answer session for Goolwa South Australia Lecture.

One transcript released in full, with deletion of irrelevant material.

To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer


13 Oct 2017

The applicant requested electronic copies of minutes for Fisheries and Aquaculture National Priorities Forum meetings.

The reports are publically available.

The applicant was advised of the website link.


27 Apr 2017

The applicant requested digital copies of the minutes for South Australian Research Advisory Committee meetings.

Request withdrawn.


FOI 2014-19-01

10 Feb 2014

The applicant requested access to documents relating to correspondence from the FRDC Chair and the Minister for Agriculture from 08 Sep 2013 to 20 Jany 2014.

Four documents released in full.

To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer


8 Jun 2012

A FOI application seeking access to documents relating to the outbreak of a herpes-like virus in Victorian abalone.

19 documents released in full. 1 document released in part under s24A.One document not released – exempt under Exemption: s22(1)(a)(ii), 24A, 47C and 47E.

To request access to the material contact the FOI Officer


If you need assistance because the document or information on this website is not available in a format you can access please contact us for an alternative accessible format.


We invite you to provide comments on our Information Publication Scheme entry, particularly in relation to any documents that appear not to be discoverable, understandable or machine-readable. See our contact us page.