64 results

Seafood CRC: Development of a genetic management and improvement strategy for Australian cultured Barramundi

The aim of this study was to review existing Barramundi-related genetic knowledge to identify relevant research and where the R&D gaps preventing instigation of Barramundi breeding programs presently exist. They identified and prioritised the research and steps that need to be taken to establish...
Flinders University

SCRC: PhD: Processing of Sea cucumber viscera for bioactive compounds

Sea cucumbers are prolific producers of a wide range of bioactive compounds, which are potential sources of agrichemical, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical products. Sea cucumbers expel their internal organs as a defence mechanism called evisceration. We hypothesize that the reason for...
Flinders University

SCRC: PhD: Antiviral activity and resistance to Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis.

Project number: 2008-739
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Speck
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 9 Jan 2009 - 30 Nov 2011


In late 2005, a sudden mass mortality in abalone resulting from abalone viral ganglioneuritis (AVG) occurred almost simultaneously on three abalone farms in Victoria. In May 2006, AVG was detected in wild stocks along the Victorian coast near one of the infected farms (Appleford, 2006). The outbreak in wild populations has subsequently been detected in both directions along the Victorian coast. A control zone was established to prevent movement of abalone, other invertebrates and fishing gear in and out of the infected area. Nevertheless, the virus has now spread beyond the control zone (Appleford, 2006; Handlinger, 2007). This presents an enormous threat to the lucrative commercial abalone fishery in Victoria and South Australia, as the range of the virus is currently nearing the South Australian border. Due to the difficulty in containing invasive pathogens in the marine environment, the outbreak of AVG in wild abalone populations is considered to be an issue of national concern.

In a recent report to industry on the research priorities related to the AVG outbreak, Handlinger (2007) identified the need to understand host-virus interactions and the host response. Handlinger (2007) further highlights the need for effective disease surveillance in both the wild and farming abalone sectors, as well as the need to establish health status as part of the family lines program, particularly with respect to the movement of broodstock. This requires the effective identification of infected abalone, including those sub-clinically infected and which harbor persistent virus. Consequently, investigation into the host antiviral response to AVG is timely and worthwhile to help ensure the ongoing economic viability of abalone industries faced with sudden mass mortality events from viral outbreaks.


SCRC: Population genetic structure of Sea Cucumbers (bêche-de-mer) in Northern Australia

Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known...
Flinders University

SCRC: The Australian Seafood Diet for Intergenerational Health: Development of a healthy high Australian seafood diet that will be acceptable to women of child-bearing age.(PhD student Lily Chan)

Project number: 2008-731
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Lynne Cobiac
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 31 May 2009 - 30 Dec 2011


For pregnant women, the current advice is to keep eating fish but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus. The net outcome of this communiqué may result in fewer women of childbearing age, those who are pregnant or those who wish to become pregnant from consuming fish or consuming inadequate amounts. It is highly important that this key group of consumers receive enough seafood to ensure that the developing foetus obtains adequate levels of DHA.

Therefore, this proposal targets a need in women of child bearing age, to determine if a diet high in DHA (providing an average of at least 200mg/d) obtained from Australian whole seafood (2-4 serves a week) can improve health-related outcomes (plasma phospholipid n-3 concentrations, inflammatory markers, insulin sensitivity, mood) when compared to a 6-week low DHA diet (30 mg/d) and will the diet be at an acceptable cost and without providing adverse levels of methyl mercury and PCBs.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-30-2
Authors: L. Cobiac J. Midgley M. Miller C. Thompson L. Chan
Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

Final Report • 2013-07-01 • 1.36 MB


Consumers are advised to eat more fish for a range of health benefits, including for growth and development, protection against heart disease and lowering of plasma triglycerides. However, there are some caveats in these recommendations for some sub-groups of the population, such as those women who are pregnant or who wish to become pregnant. This in general relates to the level of methylmercury present in fish. In Australia, the current dietary advice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for pregnant women is that 2-3 serves of most fish can be safely eaten each week, but to limit the intakes of orange roughy (Sea Perch), catfish shark, swordfish, marlin or broadbill to once a week or fortnight for the purposes of avoiding contaminants that may be damaging to the sensitive developing foetus.

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