10 results

New and Emerging Aquaculture Species Subprogram: review of FRDC investment policies and strategies and development of a management framework for new and emerging aquaculture research

Project number: 2009-219
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $49,652.80
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2009 - 1 Feb 2010


Since 2000 FRDC has invested, through its public good, considerable resources in emerging and developing aquaculture species. There have been some slight changes in the direction taken, but overall very little has changed. For example, abalone and barramundi aquaculture are now seen as mature sectors that should not obtain the degree of public good investment they received in the past. These areas have traditionally been managed as individual sectors with little cross fertilisation.

In the recent funding round, six new applications in the emerging and developing species aquaculture category were submitted. As such, it was considered that the FRDC should revise its investment strategy in this area. This would involve FRDC ceasing its individual sector based approach using public good funds and initiating a Emerging and Developing Aquaculture Species Program.

In addition, the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) has been involved in the development of new rural industries and has recently published reports regarding critical success factors (Critical Success Factors in New Rural Industries, RIRDC Publication 09/002, March 2009) and turning good ideas into profitable ventures. The RIRDC has also been involved in the investment in fisheries related programs regarding the development of aquaculture species. The FRDC is keen to engage in this process and co-invest in fisheries related R&D.


1. To review FRDC’s current policies and investment in new and emerging species (including an assessment of the existing five investment criteria)
2. To advise on a new policy for new and emerging species
3. To develop an investment strategy (including the role of FRDC (facilitator, leader, catalyst, co-investor, follower), partnership linkages)
4. To develop a process for implementing the strategy (including what would be the level of FRDC investment program coordination/support and KPIs (environmental, economic and social performance))

Final report


Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

To date, the RLEAS has managed a portfolio of 19 projects representing a total investment from FRDC and stakeholders of nearly $17 million between 1998 and 2006. Outcomes from 12 of these projects have been delivered to date. Not only have the activities of the RLEAS and its Steering...
Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd

Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram: technical, project management and review services

Project number: 2004-235
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $156,100.50
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Aug 2004 - 30 May 2008


The first phase of the Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram (ANS) has demonstrated a strong need for technical inputs into the strategic direction and methodology applied to the nutrition components of both species and non-species based research programs. Without a coordinated subprogram approach to this research portfolio, the FRDC would have been unable to develop a collaborative program with the Grains Research and Development Corporation to characterise and produce vegetable protein alternatives to fish meal, nor would it have been able to standardize the methodologies and research approach for aquaculture nutrition in Australia with involvement from all relevant scientists. The subprogram is also addressing “market failure” in the areas of training and communication in the field of aquaculture nutrition, with a firm emphasis on empowering end-users of aquafeeds with basic nutritional and feed processing knowledge. The ANS needs to be maintained in a similar format to the first phase in order to capitalize on many of the initiatives that were implemented during the first 3 years of the project, but with less emphasis on the facilitation and maintenance on a core of research projects.

The need for on-going research into aquaculture nutrition and the need to maintain or enhance the technical standard and direction of this research is emphasized by the fact that Australian aquaculture industries still have a heavy reliance on imported nutrition technologies, feeds and ingredients for the supply of nutrients to target species. This includes feed manufacturing technologies, ingredients such as bait fish, fish meals, crustacean meals and fish oils, and complete feeds such as those utilised by the prawn industry. Not only does this create issues in relation to imported disease risks, continuity of supply and cost, but it means that many local products are being under utilised. Given the broad range of issues associated with the provision of aquaculture diets, the real cost of aquaculture diets in Australia will only be reduced through the delivery of well-targetted, strategic research. The infancy of the Australian aquaculture industries also means that a coordinated research approach is required to maximise the outcomes from research investment in the area.


1. Provide expert guidance and direction for aquaculture nutrition research in Australia through maintenance of a strategic plan, provision of technical reviews and inputs into project development.
2. Identify nutrition research priorities that are not being addressed through existing portfolios and initiate research projects in this area.
3. Promote capacity building and human capital development through the provision of training and resources in aquaculture nutrition and aquafeed manufacturing.
4. Develop risk management strategies as required for various aquaculture sectors in relation to nutrition to assist the research priority setting process.
5. Act as an identifiable point of contact for aquaculture nutrition research in Australia and improve the aquaculture nutrition skills base on Australia.
6. Improve communication of nutrition research outcomes and current nutrition research between scientists, aquaculturalists, ingredient suppliers and feed manufacturers utilising annual workshops, facilitated planning meetings and conferences.

Final report

Author: Robert van Barneveld
Final Report • 2008-06-27


The Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram was established in 2001 to maintain communication and momentum in aquaculture nutrition research in Australia, and to ensure focused investment in this research discipline and optimum return on research investment. This has continued over the past 3 years as a result of activities conducted as part of this latest application. These have included funding application and final report reviews, facilitation and participation in conferences, meetings with industry groups and representatives to develop strategic plans with respect to nutrition research, support and advice with the development of research projects and the development of a nutrition Masterclass. In addition, a priority mapping workshop has outlined current nutrition research priorities and defined new priorities for implementation between 2007-2012 to ensure research stays focused and relevant into the future.

Keywords: aquaculture, nutrition

Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2001-251
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $212,860.00
Principal Investigator: Robert van Barneveld
Organisation: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 1 Jun 2006


1. To identify R & D priorities for reducing the real cost of aquaculture diets and feeding and increasing the use of Australian agricultural ingredients in aquaculture diets.
2. Establish what the fundamental non species specific nutritional constraints are to aquaculture production (eg diet form, nutritional requirements, feeding strategies, feed evolution or a combination of several factors) and then establish and manage a collaborative core research program to address this.
3. Develop a risk management strategy for all aquaculture industries in relation to nutrition to assist the research priority setting process.
4. Forge an agreement between the FRDC an other relevant RDC's and research providers for the management of research relating to aquaculture nutrition under the auspices of an aquaculture nutrition subprogram accounting for variations in priorities between agencies.
5. Define and facilitate a mechanism for lead agencies for the commercialisation of all relevant nutrition research arising from FRDC funded projects.
6. Provide a single point of contact for aquaculture nutrition research in Australia and improve the aquaculture nutrition skills base in Australia.
7. Facilitate the functions of an aquaculture nutrition "Expert Working Group" to ensure ongoing research programs have a high degree of industry relevance and focus.
8. Improve communication of nutrition research outcomes and current nutrition research between scientists, aquaculturists, ingredient suppliers and feed manufacturers.

Final report

Author: Robert van Barneveld
Final Report • 2006-04-29 • 1.11 MB


The Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram was established to maintain communication and momentum in aquaculture nutrition research in Australia, and to ensure focussed investment in this research discipline and optimum return on research investment. The Subprogram was successful in establishing an Expert Working Group used for the evaluation of research projects and strategic research priorities, a strategic plan for 2002-2007, a number of short courses, workshops and conference sessions,  and the basis for a more standardised and relevant approach to aquaculture nutrition research through a methodology manual.

Keywords: aquaculture, nutrition

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