157 results

Tactical Research Fund: developing the decision process for setting the TAC for abalone in Victoria, particularly with reference to recovery of AVG-impacted reefs

Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) methods are used to examine the performance of prospective Harvest Control Rules for calculating the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the Western Zone (WZ) Abalone Fishery. Of particular importance is recovery of the stock following the combined effects of...
Western Abalone Divers Association (WADA)

Measuring the economic value of recreational fishing at a national level

Project number: 2012-214
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $65,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ewan A. Colquhoun
Organisation: Ridge Partners
Project start/end date: 17 May 2012 - 29 Nov 2012


Recreational fisheries have no reliable and acceptable methodology or mechanisms to measure their economic value (direct and indirect) to Australians.
More broadly, the sector has no clear understanding of end-user requirements for its economic data, and the most appropriate means of obtaining the required data.
The impacts of this problem are direct, substantial, local and national. Measurement enables monitoring of performance, which enables management of the resource to consistently achieve best outcomes. Lack of measurement means the sector cannot:
1. quantify the operational or economic size of the national fishery on a reliable and repeatable basis, and therefore can not measure or manage economic performance changes over time
2. demonstrate with acceptable accuracy the economic contribution to regional and national economies, at any time,
3. justify and motivate investment by communities, investors and agencies in recreational fishing,
4. clearly and unambiguously demonstrate that it is a relevant sector or contributor to regional and national economies.

The RFAC's 2011 Strategy identifies at least 2 goals (as follows) that demand some type of economic measure to demontrate that they have been achieved.
- Recreational fishing is acknowledged as an important activity that contributes to the health and well-being of Australian society.
- Recreational fishers have access to a fair and reasonable share of Australia’s fish resources.


1. Identify end-users of Recreational Fishing data, their economic data needs, and appropriate data collection methods
2. Identify and short-list appropriate economic indicators and the preferred "GVP Equivalent" cross-jurisdictional approach
3. Establish a project Steering Group to work with the consultant, raise stakeholder awareness, and carry the project forward
4. Estimate and document the initial "GVP Equivalent" for the Recreational Fishing Sector by key jurisdiction and for the nation
5. Establish an Action Plan (resources, responsibilities, timing, etc) for measuring the economic contribution of the Recreational Fishing Sector or a repeatable annual basis
6. Establish a GVP Equivalent value of Recreational and Indigenous Fisheries as a permanent component of DAFF's determination of the Australian Fishing Industry

FRDC-DCCEE: climate change adaptation - building community and industry knowledge

Project number: 2011-503
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $300,000.00
Organisation: Western Australia Marine Science Institution (WAMSI)
Project start/end date: 15 Jul 2011 - 31 Mar 2013


Portfolio scale delivery of maximum outcomes and benefits to fishing communities - ensuring the information reaches the main benefactors.
Confusion in community around climate change impacts and adaptation strategies - need for the synthesis of the science and presentation of information in simple language.
Confusion in the community re: climate variability vs change.
Placing climate change factors in the context of a range of other externalities affecting fishing communities.
Need for more adaptable and flexible fisheries management.
Need for interaction and interface between conservation and resource use at the community level.
Bringing together existing climate change information where appropriate.
Consolidating and reducing misinformation and confusion.
Deliver regionally while still having an Australia-wide context.


1. Increased knowledge and understanding of likely climate change and adaptation measures open to local communities
2. Support of Case Study for Australia in adaptive management that cross correlates regional needs with Australia wide policy and management policies
3. Tailoring the extension and knowledge sharing for regional needs
4. Synthesising, analysing and assisting in adaptation of key climate change information, in the context of external drivers to marine biodiversity and fisheries business

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872761-1-7
Author: Jenny Shaw
Final Report • 2014-05-15 • 19.63 MB


Climate change science can be complex, difficult to understand, confusing and contentious. To maximise opportunities for adaptation, increased knowledge and understanding of climate change is essential. The project ‘Climate Change Adaptation: Building Community and Industry Knowledge,’ known as the ‘Knowledge Project’ was developed to address this need. 

Additionally, the Knowledge Project was closely linked to the FRDC project ‘A climate change adaptation blueprint for coastal regional communities’ known as the ‘Blueprint Project’. 


Marine Discovery Centres Australia annual network meeting

Marine Discovery Centres Australia (MDCA) is a network of marine education facilities across Australia that provides high quality education and engagement experiences for the wider community. These learning experiences promote sustainable behaviour in, and stewardship of, our fisheries and...
Marine Discovery Centre Maclean

Implementing a spatial assessment and decision process to improve fishery management outcomes using geo-referenced diver data

Project number: 2011-201
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $864,251.12
Principal Investigator: Craig Mundy
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Aug 2011 - 30 Oct 2015


Assessment of the Tasmanian abalone fishery is currently reliant on trends in low quality catch data grouped at large spatial scales, and substantially influenced by recent fishing activity of diver (subjective diver opinion). There are no pre-defined logic pathways for decisions (increase, maintain, or decrease TAC) in the form of decision rules or harvest strategies, which can lead to ad hoc and indefensible proposals for TAC change. An evolutionary shift in assessment methods in Tasmania and elsewhere is required to achieve fully defensible management decisions.

Fishery-independent quantitative survey based biomass estimates and/or prediction methods are not feasible due to the size, variability and complexity of most abalone fisheries. The only viable alternative is a system which enables capture of high-quality geo-referenced fishery-dependent data, and a robust logic pathway based on performance indicators to underpin management decisions.

Here we propose the use of high quality spatial data and an objective decision process as the primary pathway to sustainable management advice. The need for high resolution data on relevant time scales is increasingly important as a range of financial pressures drive changes in fleet dynamics and individual fisher behaviour, frequently resulting in over-exploitation of local stocks. Under climate change scenarios, our dependency on historic trends will be less useful, requiring precise spatially explicit contemporary information.

FRDC Value Chain outcome 1: (Ecologically Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Governance and regulatory systems) Tasmanian Abalone Strategic Research Plan (2005–2009) - Need for fine-scale data on fishing effort. ACA Strategic Research Plan (2007–2017) Platform 3: Harvest Optimisation, Objective 2g; Platform 5: Sustainability & Environment: Objective 1b, 5q.


1. To introduce geo-referenced fishery-dependent data collection using the Digital Toolbox across the fishing fleets in South-Eastern Australia
2. To develop, test and implement an objective decision making framework using geo-referenced fishery-dependent data
3. To adapt advances in spatial fishery management from other jurisdictions into the decision framework
4. Extension of geo-referenced data decision systems to Tasmanian industry and other abalone jurisdictions underpinned by robust management science
5. Develop and provide an E-resource to enable individual fishers with access to their data

Final report

Authors: Craig Mundy Hugh Jones and Duncan Worthington
Final Report • 2018-09-01 • 6.83 MB


Fishing activity was captured across 53,852 one Hectare hex grid cells across Tasmania. A total of 113,164 diving hours were recorded across 125,536 individual fishing events (Table 1). Between 2012 and 2016, the Tasmanian Geo-Fishery Dependent Data (GFDD) program captured between 85 % and 90 % of the fishing effort across the entire fishery. Four spatial Indicators obtained from the GFDD - linear swim rate (Lm/hr), area search rate (Ha/hr), catch landed per Hectare (KgLa/Ha), and drops per day offer significant promise as new performance measures in addition to classic catch and effort based CPUE indicators (Chapter 6). Catch landed per unit area (KgLa/Ha) and Maximum linear extent of the dive displayed consistent and interpretable trends that parallel trends in CPUE, and the relationship with CPUE appeared to be global in nature. Linear swim rate as Lm/Hr appeared to have a local rather than global relationship with CPUE (Kg/Hr), highlighting the importance of underlying assumptions when determining TRPs and LRPs for these new spatial indicators. The GFDD through the linear swim rate indicator was able to detect a change in intensity of selective fishing practices (i.e. fisher diving patterns) in the Perkins Bay greenlip fishery. This finding is an important demonstration of the capacity of GFDD to identify change in fishing behaviour that has a spatial signature. The primary impediment to utilising these indicators in Harvest Strategies or ad hoc decision processes (for states with data available) is the limited time-series from which to develop meaningful Limit and Target reference Points (LRP and TRP).

This project has achieved the first significant quantitively description of spatially structured, spatially discrete hand-harvest fisheries across Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. Serial depletion is often presented as a theoretical explanation for the demise of fisheries, but that concept is rarely supported with empirical data. Chapter 10 demonstrated that the Tasmanian abalone fishery was comprised of several hundred discrete reef systems across the Tasmanian coastline, and that catch was largely proportional to area. While there were several outlier reefs, this relationship between reef area and reef production hints at some underlying base productivity. Strong relationships between catch and effort are routinely observed, but this is the first demonstration that such a relationship also exists for catch and area.

The proportion of fishable reef utilised each year and the degree of overlap between successive years was previously unknown, and researchers and management relied on industry participants to provide input on long-term changes. However results obtained from diver overlap analyses suggest that asking fishers their opinion on whether the global fishable reef is changing is an unfair question, as there is relatively little overlap in where fishers work, and particularly in large fisheries with many divers, any one diver may only fish a small fraction of the total area. Analytical tools developed in this project enable researchers to exploit the GFDD datasets and provide a precise measure of the extent of reef used in any one year. This project demonstrated that the area of reef fished in anyone year may be only half the known productive fishing grounds. This should not be interpreted as potential for expansion, but rather highlights the process of cycling through fishing grounds, enabling some reefs to escape fishing in some years.

There has been considerable attention given in Victoria and New South Wales to develop a predictive tool utilising previous history to determine future catch. While this is a potentially exciting application of the GFDD data, there appears to be considerable spatial and temporal dynamic in predictability of catch. The Geographic Weighted Regression analyses (Chapter 8) were very useful in identifying local areas of temporal persistence, and/or areas where catch is highly variable mong years. These types of analyses may have greater utility in understanding how productivity of exploited reef systems change through time in a backward-looking investigation than in any future predictive capacity. The challenge with using spatial linear modelling of whole of year spatial fishing patterns to predict catch in future years is that TACC decisions are often made prior to completion of the fishing year. There would need to be a clear demonstration that partial years data provided the same overall pattern as the full year data, and that is likely to be dependent on how much quota was left to catch at the time of the analyses.

Several analytical tools were developed to examine fleet behaviour and diver movement patterns, local variability in harvest levels and spatial structure of the reef systems being exploited. Separating normal fleet patterns driven by fisher preference, effects of inter-annual variation in exploitable biomass, and long-term changes in stock levels will require a much longer time series than currently available. Short term shifts in fleet movements and temporal variability in structure of fishing may be easily confused with normal cycling of fishing grounds. There is considerable impatience to utilise Geo-referenced fishery-dependent data in decision making processes and Harvest Strategies, despite no defensible mechanism to develop reference points from the short time series available. Similarly, the proportion of the known fishable reef area utilised each year and the degree of overlap among subsequent years are likely to be enormously informative for understanding one of the key unknown questions in abalone fisheries – is the footprint of the fishery and/or density changing through time. The capacity to identify areas of high persistence of commercially productive stocks will also improve our ability to understand and monitor key drivers of productivity and local regions critical to achieving the TACC.

Project has facilitated the collection of geo-referenced fishery dependent data across Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. A companion project was also run in the South Australian Central Zone abalone fishery where use of the Tasmanian GPS and Depth data loggers was made mandatory in 2013. The success of GFDD in improving the confidence in determining stock status ultimately relies on the high level of data coverage achieved, particularly in Tasmania. While the KUD derived spatial indicators may be useful with lower levels of coverage, the grid derived indicators will be of little use without high levels of data coverage as they rely on capturing activities of the entire fleet across a fishing year. In particular the Index of Persistence developed in Chapter 9 is not viable without a high level of data coverage. If spatial indicators are to be considered as part of annual assessments of fishery status there must be a commitment to ongoing collection of the data to generate a time-series that is useful, and that there is some certainty of these data streams being available for assessment into the future.

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