3 results

Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarship to study practices in the fishing Industry

The Australian seafood industry has a long and proud history of employment of very sound environmental and economic management principles which have made it the envy of much of the world. An altogether robust Australian seafood industry is hyper critical to the social and economic fabric of...
Nuffield Australia

People Development Program: Nuffield Scholarship for an Aquaculture and/or Fish producer

A changing culture, education and a robust supply chain are three very important roles in Australia’s oyster industry. The Australian oyster culture is changing with the help of international chefs and one particular oyster finisher, Steve Feletti; who has been leading the way in changing the...
Nuffield Australia

Nuffield Australia Farming Scholars

Project number: 2007-315
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $135,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jim Geltch
Organisation: Nuffield Australia
Project start/end date: 13 Oct 2007 - 30 Oct 2010


If Australian primary industry sectors are to compete and succeed internationally, producers must
establish themselves at the forefront of production, distribution and management.
Nuffield Australia's scholarship program gives primary producers the opportunity to learn about the
forces shaping international trade policy in key markets, the issues behind consumer sentiment, and the
technological advances being implemented by producers in other countries. The information that
Scholars gather while overseas helps them make rational management decisions that position their
enterprises so they benefit from international opportunities as they arise.
This project addresses FRDC outcome: The knowledge and skills of people in and supporting the
Australian fishing industry, and in the wider community,are developed and used so that Australians
derive maximum economic, environmental and social benefits from
fisheries research and development
Challenge 4 actions addressed by this project:
Develop industry champions to bridge the gap between Australian-based knowledge and that developed
overseas. NRP-4 RRDP-7
Foster an environment that encourages innovation and its adoption to assist the development of the
industry. NRP-4 RRDP-7
Enhance opportunities for information and technology transfer within and between sectors. NRP-4


1. The successful completion of one Nuffield Farming Scholarship by a practicing producer, each year for three years.

Final report

Author: Jim Geltch
Final Report • 2012-12-23 • 8.21 MB


Through FRDC scholarships, Nuffield Australia aims to provide a significant boost to the fishing and aquaculture industry's understanding of the international forces affecting the industry and the need to adopt new technology and management practices to continue to maintain productivity growth. 

The following FRDC scholarships were awarded:

  • 2008 Lester Marshall, Port Lincoln
  • 2009 Adam Butterworth, Port Lincoln
  • 2010 Ian Duthie, Tasmania

In addition, and largely as a result of promotion of Nuffield scholarships within the industry as a result of this project, Ben Tyley was awarded a Sidney Myer scholarship in 2010. 

Outcomes include encouragement for greater participation by younger primary producers in their industries; nurturing of a mindset amongst young primary producers to take a global perspective of their enterprises; encouraging an ethos of lifelong learning; and membership of an elite group of farmers around the world – an invaluable lifelong network of contacts and information transfer.

Project products

Report • 2012-10-01 • 4.86 MB
2007-315-DLD-Ian Duthie Report.pdf


Despite the Australian shellfish industry having developed hatchery technology for a variety of species, it has still been plagued by an unreliable and inconsistent supply, resulting in a shortage of supply of ‘spat’ to shellfish producers.  This has stalled commercial development of both existing and ‘new’ alternative species to oysters and mussels.  These ‘new’ species are closely related to those being commercially cultured around the world, with the production cycle starting within the hatchery, and strong existing domestic markets, such as with scallops and clams.

The cost of Oyster ‘spat’ to overseas growers is considerably cheaper than that offered by Australian hatcheries for equivalent ‘spat’.  Investigations of the factors influencing this are important, as it may provide opportunity to improve the competitive productivity of the shellfish industry.

The need to study Shellfish Hatchery businesses from around the world, and identify both “World Best Practice” and the future trends in shellfish production is important for the future growth of the Australian Shellfish industry.  Recognising the deficiencies of current technology and knowledge, that exist both in Australia and around the world is important.  Looking for the business and industry structure that supports reliable, efficient and profitable supply of ‘spat’.  Identifying current opportunities for technological transfer, and international collaboration and assess the structural and management systems employed by world leaders in shellfish hatcheries and integrated growers and processors.

Report • 2010-10-01 • 639.02 KB
2007-315-DLD-Adam Butterworth Report.pdf


This study investigated a range of aspects of land-based seaweed culture, abalone production and Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture ventures in order to assess the potential for isolated seaweed and integrated abalone/seaweed aquaculture in Australia.  This research was considered worthwhile due to the significant potential for the economically viable production of seaweed as an on-site food supply for marine grazers in land-based aquaculture systems in Australia.  As an aspect of IMTA, water recirculation and re-use in mollusc aquaculture systems were investigated with a view to assessing their potential compared to flow-through systems (the primary method for growing abalone in Australia).   Recirculation is a significant aspect of most land-based contained IMTA systems which offers several advantages and/or opportunities over single pass flow-through aquaculture systems.

These aspects are discussed with a view to seeking opportunities for abalone farming operations in Australia, including an abalone farm at Louth Bay on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia which retains potential for re-commissioning.

Report • 2009-10-01 • 1.56 MB
2007-315-DLD-Lester Marshall Report.pdf


This report will be beneficial to any region trying to become more profitable, in particular the seafood sector. Whilst on a marketing trip to Singapore back in 2001 I found myself extremely frustrated trying to explain to my customers which region in Australia I came from. The Eyre Peninsula is largely unknown and the closest they could relate to it was the Barossa Valley some 600 km away. It was then I realised we needed to develop a powerful regional brand.

The aim of this research has been to develop a regional branding model that will work across all regions of Australia, but in particular, the seafood sector. The information gathered along the way has been compiled into a working model, they are the things you have to get right in order to achieve the most profitable outcome for your region. The model shows you why you need a regional brand and how to achieve it.

The opportunity arising from this model is to develop clear and simple messages that we can communicate all the way from the producer to the consumers.

The economic flowchart for regional branding for the Eyre Peninsula demonstrates how much extra you can leverage from a powerful regional brand. Not only does it create extra profit for the regional economy, but also the property values in the region can be upgraded by at least 10% - this can amount to a lot of extra investment in the region.

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