9 results

What’s stopping you from protecting yourself and your mates? Identifying barriers to the adoption of safe work practises in the small-scale wild catch commercial fishing industry

Thanks to the FRDC, Dr Kate Brooks and a small team of researchers and industry people are working to identify exactly what factors are stopping the commercial fishing industry from adopting safe work practices and looking out for themselves and others while on the...
KAL Analysis

Social Science Research Coordination Program (SSRCP) II

Project number: 2012-300
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $297,703.50
Principal Investigator: Kate J. Brooks
Organisation: KAL Analysis
Project start/end date: 13 May 2012 - 30 Mar 2015


The initial project/phase of the SSRCP has been effective in creating recognition of the need for social science expertise. It has also identified need for a point of reference for FRABs and researchers and is relied upon by industry agencies as a point of co-ordination for fisheries social science research. The continuation of this coordination program is endorsed by the emerging understanding of the depth of social factors in fishing activities at the individual, business/group and sectoral levels, and the ways in which these activities interact with the broader community. Increasingly, external economic impacts such as market and competing industry influences; energy costs; distance to market; and potential new taxes, influence the shape of fishing and aquaculture industries, and are emerging as significant issues that remain unaddressed by biological or economic approaches alone.

Through a range of different techniques, social science research can address these issues and complement biological and economic research to support change in practice and community perceptions. The past three years of focus on social science research has encouraged and facilitated leveraging of previous research work, minimising the expense of duplication, and increasing the ability to identify solutions to resource use issues. Continuation of the program will support the efficient use of FRDC funds, and the pursuit of research project outcomes with greater reach than if implemented in isolation of previous research and other FRDC Program activities.


1. Continue the social sciences program in the existing framework, subject to ongoing industry and research community feedback
2. Collaborate with the industry to identify emerging issues in wild harvest, aquacutlure, post harvest, recreational and indigenous fishery sectors, that could benefit from early integration of social science research for the identification of potential solutions.
3. Addresss research needs arising from FRDC's existing programs and ensure the quality and relevance of proposed social research projects
4. Co-ordinate and undertake the communication of key social research needs to the research community and SSRCP research outcomes to fishers and managment agencies.
5. Provide FRDC relevant program management for social projects including evaluation, commissioning of projects and milestone reviews.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-93848-6
Author: Kate Brooks
Final Report • 2015-05-13 • 6.20 MB


This report summarises the key activities of the Social Sciences and Research Coordination Program II (SSRCP II), which was implemented in 2012 and concluded in 2015. It focuses on the key objectives of the Program, achievements and recommendations for future iterations of this type of Program, or areas where the FRDC may want to focus efforts to encompass the social sciences dimension of fisheries research.
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