15 results

SCRC: COMMUNAL PROJECT: Seafood CRC Participation in the Seafood Access Forum (SAF)

Project number: 2008-907
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Ted Loveday
Organisation: Seafood Services Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2009 - 30 Jan 2012


The CRC has identified the need to prioritise trade and market access research activities and to have a forum where government and industry can agree on apropriate trade and market access negotiation strategies. The SAF operated by SSA can provide that service for the CRC.

The CRC recognises that having a focus on trade and market access research activities will significantly increase the workload for the SAF and that this will create a need for additional consultation, reporting and extension activities. The CRC has agreed to fund SSA to proivde this addtional functionality that will benefit all users of the CRC (Sellfish Theme Business Plan).

Meetings with senior DFAT and DAFF officials confirmed that the seafood industry needs to take a more coordinated approach to addressing trade issues and that primary industries with such frameworks had achieved significant success. The CRC needs to ensure that such a framework exists so that the benefitsof its trade and market access research can be realised.

The SAF provides a solid, rigorous and inclusive process for systematically tackling our seafood trade and market access barriers by:
1. Identifying and prioritising opportunities for improving trade and market access for Australian seafood including:
a. Maintaining and improving access in existing markets;
b. Establishing access to new trade opportunities, particularly in higher value markets; and
c. The reduction or removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers to seafood trade.
2. Developing well researched positions and strategies on priority opportunities for improving trade and market access for Australian seafood.
3. Providing leadership and coordination in the delivery of actions to realise priority opportunities for improved trade and market access for Australian seafood.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-27-2
Author: Ted Loveday
Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.

Final Report • 2012-05-11 • 241.90 KB


The goal of the Seafood CRC is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4billion per annum by 2017 and to generate more than 2,800 jobs in rural and regional areas. Achieving this goal will require a concerted effort by the Seafood CRC, its core participants and collaborators over the life of the program - this includes SSA, NAC and SEA. In its favour, the Seafood CRC represents almost 80 percent of the Australian seafood industry's GVP of just over $2 billion per annum. This is enhanced further with the high level of scientific institution and through chain representation its investment strategy has attracted.

The Seafood CRC represents the first time in the history of the Australian seafood industry that such a high level cooperative partnership has been achieved for the purpose of advancing the industry's future prosperity. The Seafood CRC, brings together the critical combination of scientific expertise and industry knowledge with the capacity to address the full breadth of trade and market access issues that have previously constrained the industry from meeting its full market potential.


SCRC: Seafood CRC: Develop, conduct and analyse a small survey of seafood buyers at ESE 2008 to help assess the relative importance of key attributes of Australian seafood in influencing purchasing decisions.

This report details the findings of European Seafood Exposition survey conducted in Brussels in April 2008. The main purpose of this project was to survey perception that seafood traders / professionals of this industry have about 6 seafood producing countries, including Australia. We chose to use...
Seafood Services Australia Ltd

Globefish membership

Project number: 2006-244
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jayne M. Gallagher
Organisation: Seafood Services Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Sep 2006 - 30 Sep 2006


1. Membership to globefish to increase the information dissemination of world market trends
2. Determine mechanisms to obtain longer ongoing funding by showing the benefits of globefish

Participation in study tour to attend Seafood & Health ’05 Conference & Seafood HACCP Alliance for Education & Training

Project number: 2005-407
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jayne M. Gallagher
Organisation: Seafood Services Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 5 Nov 2005 - 10 Jul 2006


The Seafood HACCP Alliance meeting - important to ensure that Australian Seafood Industry are fully briefed about changing requirements in the USA market. The USFDA is launching a new Fishery Products Guide in 2006. To be up to date, aware of the changes and to be able to meet the relevant people making and enforcing the new arrangements is significant. There will be training implications for Australia. The Conference - relevant to SSA activities in food safety, quality and chain management and potentially other new areas for the industry eg new CRC, Promotion & Market Development, etc as well as FRDC/SSA consumer education information. NFI meeting – learning of their handling of change relevant to issues in Australia.


1. Promoting Australia’s work on the issues to be discussed at both Conference and Meeting and influencing any international decisions that are discussed in the two forums. By contributing expertise and knowledge to the forums the opportunity to influence discussions on two levels – regulatory area and research area. Both are relevant to Australia due to reliance on international markets and potential flow on to domestic market.
2. Gather information including contacts from both the forums to ensure that the Australian Seafood Industry is fully aware of the outcomes and can utilise the information to maximise its position.
3. Identifying any issues that could be considered by the Australian Seafood Industry/SSA/FRDC in development and communication areas based discussions with National Fisheries Institute (NFI)

Final report

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