170 results

Understanding recruitment variation (including the collapse) of Saucer Scallop stocks in Western Australia and assessing the feasibility of assisted recovery measures for improved management in a changing environment

This study examined possible contributing environmental factors to the recruitment variability of the Ballot’s saucer scallop Ylistrum balloti across the main stocks in Western Australia. The project was undertaken to explain the variation observed between years and between regions as well...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA

Establishing baselines and assessing vulnerability of commercially harvested corals across northern Australia

Project number: 2014-029
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $400,000.00
Principal Investigator: Morgan S. Pratchett
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2014 - 29 Jun 2018


Australia’s aquarium industries are high value (collectively GVP values >$20 million), small scale fisheries that rely on exporting CITES listed corals for profitability and viability. The Australian government requires fisheries collecting and exporting CITES listed species to demonstrate that their harvest is sustainable. This is achieved through the provision of a successful non-detrimental finding and accrediting the fishery as an approved Wildlife Trade Operation (WTO) under the EPBC Act. There is growing international pressure for Australia to unequivocally demonstrate sustainable collection practices for CITES listed species. However, data-poor fisheries like the aquarium fisheries, struggle to provide sufficient quantitative data supporting the non-detrimental use of CITES listed species. This has resulted in severe restrictions on allowable harvest levels tied to WTO approvals and industry viability is at risk.

Many of the coral species taken by the marine aquarium industry across northern Australia are in inter-reef turbid water environments that are poorly studied. In addition, many of the species are documented as rare or uncommon although they may be locally abundant in these turbid waters environments. A recent Ecological Risk Assessment of the Queensland Coral Fishery (May 2013) identified the priority need to fill these data gaps to better quantify the level of impact on corals from commercial collection.

Abundance baselines for these species are required to demonstrate sustainable use and support export approvals. Species identification of harvested corals also needs to be clarified as this information is critical for aligning catch data with scientific information on the vulnerability of different coral species. This will lead to the development of monitoring protocols for the industry, and in the longer term, to demonstrate sustainable harvest.


1. Establish the distribution and abundance of commercially important coral species in selected inter-reef habitats
2. Improve the accuracy of species identifications across the industry
3. Establishing abundance and turnover of representative commercially important inter-reefal corals
4. Establish a cost effective industry based long-term monitoring program
5. Undertake consistent Ecological Risk Assessments (ERA) in NT and WA to establish vulnerability of major target species

Final report

Authors: Morgan Pratchett Ciemon Caballes Vanessa Messmer Shaun Wilson Anthony Roelofs Mark Grubert Russell Kelley and Stephen Newman
Final Report • 2020-12-01 • 34.79 MB


The objectives and outcomes of this project were three-fold. Firstly, we established the abundance and turnover of select, commercially important coral species in areas of concentrated fishing across northern Australia. Improved understanding of the biology and ecology of harvested corals is fundamental to establishing baselines and sustainable harvest levels. Secondly, we helped to refine species-level taxonomy for commonly harvested coral species, using genetic analyses, to better establish what is being harvested and where. Genetic analyses on corals collected from different jurisdictions helped to reveal which species are very widespread, and therefore more resilient, versus those that are geographically restricted, and therefore warrant specific management attention. Thirdly, we explored species-specific vulnerability to extrinsic pressures on coral stocks, related to environmental change. Climate induced coral bleaching if the foremost threat to coral species and could undermine the sustainability of ongoing coral harvesting independent of fishery effort or take.

Project products

Guide • 2020-12-01 • 5.03 MB


Identification guide to some harvested aquarium corals

An industry based mark recapture program to provide stock assessment inputs for the Western Rock Lobster Fishery following introduction of quota management

The West Coast Lobster Managed Fishery (WCRLMF) moved from input to output controls in 2010. This change directly affected the relativity of a number of fisherybased data sources, making assessment of the fishery more problematic. A novel examination of the stock dynamics was required to help ensure...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA

Mitigation measures to reduce entanglements of migrating whales with commercial fishing gear

This project provided a robust assessment that gear modifications introduced into the WCRLMF and octopus fisheries have reduced the number of reported entanglements. The management arrangements around the implementation of these modifications are appropriate in light on the new spatial and temporal...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA

Fisheries Managers' Workshop

Project number: 2013-235
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $27,860.02
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Joll
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 26 Jan 2014 - 29 Oct 2014


Holding a national forum for fisheries managers (across a range of levels) from all jurisdictions has been identified as a way of increasing the skills and understanding of the Australian fisheries managers' community and improving communications between the various jurisdictions on management matters.

The workshop will also provide an opportunity to further develop (and road-test) the outputs of AFMF's Fisheries Management Sub-Committee on the AFMF task of 'Developing Cost Effective and Efficient Management of Small Scale Fisheries'.


1. Increasing the skills and understanding of Australia's fisheries management community
2. Refining and road-testing Fisheries Managment S/C proposal's regarding "Developing cost effective and effcient management of small scale fisheries"

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921845-86-4
Author: Lindsay Joll
Final Report • 2015-05-11 • 2.53 MB


A national fisheries management workshop was held at the South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre in Adelaide on 26/27 March 2014, which brought together fisheries managers from all Australian jurisdictions.  The idea of holding a workshop was promoted by the Australian Fisheries Management Forum (AFMF) (composed of the Heads of Commonwealth and State/Territory fishery management agencies), which had identified that there was no forum for fisheries managers to exchange ideas and build networks.  The task of putting the workshop together was undertaken by AFMF’s Fisheries Management Sub-Committee (FMSC), with funding support being provided by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC).

The workshop was the first fisheries managers’ workshop since 1995, when the last of a successful series of fisheries managers’ workshops run during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s was held on Rottnest Island, WA.  In promoting the idea of a workshop AFMF noted that while there was significant cross-fertilisation between researchers through the Australian Society for Fish Biology and other forums and through National Compliance Committee for compliance officers, there was no forum specifically for fisheries managers.  As fisheries management had increased in complexity, and society was placing additional scrutiny on fisheries managers, there was a need for fisheries managers to meet as a group of professionals to exchange ideas and initiatives.

In considering a theme for the workshop FMSC noted that there was significant interest in the issues surrounding small-scale fisheries (SSFs) and that many if not most issues with SSFs were common across all the jurisdictions.  Furthermore, FMSC had been tasked by AFMF to consider matters around SSFs and provide advice back to AFMF on the development of cost effective and efficient management of SSFs.  Thus a workshop provided an ideal opportunity to explore the issue of SSFs and to look at issues and approaches in the various jurisdictions to see if there were any learnings that could be incorporated into FMSC’s advice to AFMF.


Tactical Research Fund: Cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures to reduce interactions between commercial fishing gear and whales

Project number: 2013-037
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $65,934.00
Principal Investigator: Jason How
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 18 Aug 2013 - 16 Aug 2014


Whale entanglements are a key performance indicator (KPI) for the WRL fishery in Commonwealth
assessments. Entanglements in 2012 (13 in WRL gear) exceeded this KPI. The KPI breach resulted in
the Commonwealth removing the WRL fishery from the List of Exempt Native Species which is a five
year export approval without conditions and issuing a two year Wildlife Trade Order (WTO) with
conditions and recommendations relating to whale entanglement. This included a condition: "by 31
March 2014, complete a robust evaluation of longer term operational management measures to
reduce the risk of whale entanglements, which could include the removal of some restrictions on
western rock lobsters, spatial and seasonal closures and potential gear modifications". If this condition
isn't met, the WTO may be revoked and therefore the
fishery will not be able to export. The WRL is almost exclusively an export fishery with an estimated
annual GVP of $200 million.
The reason for increased entanglements is a combination of whale population growth (10% p/a) and
an increase in winter fishing resulting from a relaxation of input controls after a move to quota. A
closed season, removing winter fishing would somewhat elevate this issue, although at an economic
cost to the industry as it would no longer be able to attain the high beach prices paid in winter. This
would result in a conservative loss of about $50 million p/a in GVP. Therefore to meet the SEWPaC
conditions, and still allow winter fishing, entanglement mitigation measures are needed.


1. Examine the effectiveness of potential gear modifications to the float rigs of fishing pots/traps to reduce their likelihood of entangling whales.
2. Start to collect additional information required to determine the spatial and temporal extent of migrating whales and how this overlaps with commercial fishing gear.

The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS): Development of welfare guidelines for restaurants and retail outlets who holding 'live fish and shellfish in aquaria - an initiative of the Animal Welfare Working Group of AAWS

Project number: 2012-506
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $68,400.00
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 27 Sep 2012 - 31 Jan 2014


This project will address one of the most common sources of public complaints (both real and perceived concerns) regarding the treatment of “live seafood’ held in aquaria in restaurants.
Many restaurant owners are not trained aquarists and this project will greatly assist in providing them with better understanding of the needs of the live seafood they are holding.
The project seeks greater consistency across the states and territories in approaches to animal welfare.


1. To deliver a national set of guidelines on best welfare practices to all restaurant owners involoved in the keeping of live seafood in aquaria
2. The project meets Objective No. 5 (Goal 2) of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy i.e. Cooperate for consistency. The project will deliver a national set of guidelines on best welfare practice to all restaurant owners involved in the keeping of live seafood in aquaria for retail thereby contributing to on-going improvements for animal welfare.

Tactical Research Fund: Decision tree and rapid assessment methodology for new fisheries

Project number: 2012-237
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $75,000.00
Principal Investigator: Anthony Hart
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2013 - 29 Aug 2014


Declines in the gross value of production (GVP) from commercial fishers in Western Australia and increased interest from the commercial sector in diversifying activities to adapt to seasonal variability in supply and demand has prompted the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC) to set the goal of introducing ten new fisheries by 2020. However, poor public perception of commercial fishing, low probability of establishing fisheries of considerable scale, and lack of efficient policy strategies hinders new development. To enhance the future of the industry, there is a very strong need to readdress current approaches to fisheries development, promote innovation and strengthen community ties. Western Australia has already taken the strategic policy decision to aim for independent third-party assessment (by the MSC) of all its fisheries, simplify its regulatory environment through expected outcomes from the MER project (Minimum Effective Regulation), and review and modernize its Fisheries Management Act. The proposed project adds further impetus to securing a future industry by initiating a research driven co-management approach to fishery development and diversification. By designing a conceptual pathway, compiling relevant biological, environmental and socioeconomic information, and applying these to test-case fisheries, the project will present a robust feasibility study into decision-tree, risk-based alternatives to creating and managing new fisheries.


1. Design a decision tree and rapid assessment model to assess new fishery development opportunities
2. Develop novel and cost-effective approaches for sustainability and socioeconomic assessments for potential new fisheries
3. Design alternative management and regulatory approaches to facilitate future growth and productivity on a cost-effective basis

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921258-07-7
Author: Anthony M. Hart
Final Report • 2019-09-06 • 2.37 MB


The objective of this report is to provide a Rapid Appraisal Methodology process for assessing proposals for new fisheries. If adopted, the methodology could extend to the receipt and assessment of new fishery proposals which may potentially encompass aquaculture, in line with evolving practices in seafood production worldwide. This methodology seeks to ensure the maintenance of the natural animal and the natural ecosystem under the principles of ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM). While providing a community-based approach to optimal productivity, involving, where appropriate, both fisheries and aquaculture techniques. The Rapid Appraisal Methodology process is designed to be a modern, forward thinking, opportunity creating instrument for enhancing seafood production from renewable aquatic resources.
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