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Tactical Research Fund: Improving the economic efficiency of the Southern Squid Jig Fishery

Project number: 2009-221
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $75,000.00
Principal Investigator: David McKinna
Organisation: Mckinna Et Al Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 5 Apr 2010 - 8 Sep 2010


The Southern Squid Jig Fishery (SSJF) is a small fishery for arrow squid that operates in south eastern waters, primarily off the coasts of Victoria and Tasmania.

As we interpret the brief, the essence of this project is to find a means to restore the SSJF to sustainable economic viability. The problems facing this industry are becoming increasingly common in the agrifood sector and have been brought about by a culmination of factors as outlined below:
1. The increase in costs.
2. Strong competition .
3. Strong and increasing competition from imports.
4. Superior eating quality.
5. Australian consumers are not well educated about buying and preparing squid, limiting its consumption.
6. The sector has little ability to invest in innovation or process improvements due to low or negative profitability.


1. To assess the range of factors affecting the economic viability of the SSJF for arrow squid in southern Australia.
2. To canvass a broad range of practical solutions that will increase both the profitability and efficiency of the industry. These solutions should be in areas where the SSJF industry can focus efforts to improve profitability, as distinct from factors endemic to the wider fishing industry and other sectors of the economy.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-55526-3
Author: David McKinna
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