4 results

The development of a dry, pathogen free, water stable, lobster bait - investigation into operational parameters

Project number: 1999-373
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $80,407.27
Principal Investigator: Michael J. Hoxey
Organisation: Food Centre of Western Australian Inc (FCWA)
Project start/end date: 5 Sep 1999 - 30 Jun 2001


The bait used in the Western Rock Lobster industry consists largely of frozen fish of which 18,000 Tonnes are used annually. Of this, 15,000 Tonnes are imported and consist of Sardines, Blue Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Herring and Australian Salmon (from New Zealand). The lobster season is from 15th November to 30th June and most of the fish used must be stored frozen to meet the seasonal demand. Apart from the cost of the bait per se there are significant costs in transporting the bait to the pots and a significant level of wastage, as bait, once thawed, cannot be re-frozen.

In order for the bait which has been developed, to become a realistic and reliable proposition for commercial manufacture, elements of its formulation, shape and processing technique need to be further defined.


1. To determine the optimum level of key additives, while maintaining acceptable water stability.
2. To determine the optimum shape and size parameters for commercial bait.
3. To determine the optimum processing conditions, with particular regard to bait shape and size, and microbiological performance.

Shell life evaluation of semi-dried vacuumed pack mullet

Project number: 1998-483
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $2,471.00
Principal Investigator: Judy Tam
Organisation: Food Centre of Western Australian Inc (FCWA)
Project start/end date: 28 Mar 2000 - 30 Jul 2000


1. Investigate current production methods and their effects on shelf life eg. time, temperature of drying
2. Investigate the shelf life of the current product
3. Identify methods to extend the shelf life

Improvement in quality of meat from frozen reject trawl-caught blue crabs

Project number: 1992-125.34
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $28,305.00
Principal Investigator: Cheryl Hughes
Organisation: Food Centre of Western Australian Inc (FCWA)
Project start/end date: 29 Sep 1996 - 18 Aug 1998


1. To develop improved quality frozen 500g and 1kg packs of frozen green and frozen cooked blue crabmeat.
2. Test the pakcs for taol volatile bases, cliform and total bacterial countsand presence/absence of listeria sp. to ascertain shelf of the products.
3. To investigate different freezing techniques and their effect on shelf life and eating quality.
4. To conduct market trials on the products to discern consumer acceptability.
5. To produce as an attachment to the scientific report, appropriate copy and text for use in an industry. "How to produce...." booklet, which would describe product specifications and methods of production, including guidelines to assist individual processors to develop their own HACCP plans.
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