5 results

Management of bioeroding sponges in wild stocks of Pinctada maxima in Western Australia

Data on bioeroding sponge species that excavate shells of the pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima, was collected from the main fishing grounds in North Western Australia. Estimates on infestation rates across size/age classes of shell are provided from the main fishing grounds and over three consecutive...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA

Predicting and assessing recruitment variation - a critical factor for the management of the mother-of-pearl (Pinctada maxima) fishery in WA

Project number: 2000-127
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $346,257.50
Principal Investigator: Anthony Hart
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 2000 - 29 Sep 2006


Historically, total allowable catches (TAC) of respective zones in the pearl oyster fishery have been changed in response to significant fluctuations in the previous year’s catch rate (catch per unit effort). These changes, however, have been influenced by factors other than variations in stock abundance, e.g. as changes in available technology or variations in fishing efficiency due to weather conditions or water clarity.

In order to make more reliable projections on future catch and effort there is a need to move away from reliance on retrospective catch data. In order to do this, information supplied to decision makers should include: 1) the size structure (length frequency) of past catches; 2) information on the abundance of pre-recruits (piggyback spat); 3) information on important environmental variables affecting stocks; and 4) other factors affecting catch rate such as water clarity and the use of new technology (e.g. GPS).

A recommendation from Project No. 95/41 states:
"The relationship between "piggyback" spat settlement, environmental effects and recruitment to the fishery which can be used to forecast increases/decreases in abundance should be developed. This enables changes to quota to be forecast to allow forward planning in pearl seeding and farm operations."

A framework for the collection of this data is needed, as pearl oyster fisheries have large fluctuations in recruitment over time, and management needs to base quota decisions on the presence or absence of emerging year classes. Collection of this data will give a more stable signal on the "health" of the fishery and allow more confident predictive assessments to be made.


1. To establish set protocols for piggyback spat sampling within the pearl oyster fishery and develop a database for the storage of data collected.
2. To establish set protocols for length frequency sampling within the pearl oyster fishery and develop a database for the storage of data collected.
3. To establish a database of factors affecting catch rate.
4. To examine links between spat sampling data set, environmental factors and the abundance estimates for the pearl oyster fishery.

Mother-of-pearl (Pinctada maxima) shell: stock evaluation for management and future harvesting in Western Australia

The West Australian Pearling industry is one of Australia’s most valuable aquaculture industries, currently generating around $120 - $160 million annually. The majority of pearl shell used to culture pearls come from the pearling beds in the inshore waters near Broome. The fishery for...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
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