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Analysis and presentation of good news for the seafood industry in the Nutrient Reference Values (NRV) and in presentations to the ISSFAL conference and SSA Seafood for Life workshop - client manager

Project number: 2006-407.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $1,250.00
Principal Investigator: Roy D. Palmer
Organisation: Fishy Business
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2007 - 31 Jan 2008


The outputs and products generated by this project will capitalise on a unique opportunity for the seafood industry to promote the health benefits of seafood presented by the recently-released NH&MRC Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) by researching and writing material on how seafood can meet the newly recommended NRVs for many vital nutrients (macro-nutrients, minerals and vitamins).

It will interpret in easily-understood language and format the NH&MRC NRVs and associated material, translating and explaining the NRV and related recommendations as they relate to seafood. This document will be available as text for distribution to industry-related organisations and individuals as appropriate for their information, and for use in promotional material, media releases and feature articles, and for making representations for due recognition of the importance of seafood in resource-allocation debates.

This report in conjunction with the reports and outputs emanating from the ISSFAL and SSA Seafood for Life conferences will give the seafood industry access to highly valuable and influential information to further promote the positive aspects of seafood.


1. To develop products arising form the project that can be used in Seafood Industry publications and distributed to the wider media
2. To develop substantiated data form the project that can be used in a future rewrite of the FRDC "What's so Healthy about Seafood"
3. To review the NH&MRC NRVs and associated material as they relate to seafood
4. To interpret the information arising from the NHMRC NRV's report and the proceedings from the Seafood for Life and ISSFAL Conferences to rewrite in an easy to read and understand format
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