2 results

Control of Perkinsus disease in abalone

Project number: 2000-151
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $247,749.00
Principal Investigator: Bob J. Lester
Organisation: University of Queensland (UQ)
Project start/end date: 5 Sep 2000 - 10 May 2006


Disease, particularly Perkinsus disease, is seen as the fourth major risk to the sustainability of the abalone fishery in SA (SA Fisheries & Aquaculture Five Year Research and Development Strategy). Perkinsus disease causes ongoing losses to the industry, losses that are expected to increase with global warming unless some action is taken to curb the disease. This project will explore one approach that may be feasible to control Perkinsus and thus reduce its impact on the industry.

A recent project in California (Culver and Kuris, in press) successfully eradicated a species of mudworm from abalone by removal of the most susceptible shell (N. Bax, CSIRO, pers. com.)


1. To determine the extent and nature of Perkinsus infection around Taylor Island, identification of possible reservoir hosts, the production of an epidemiological model, and recommendations on appropriate management methods.

Final report

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