14 results

Setting strategic directions for the Australian Barramundi farming sector 2020-2025

This strategic plan for the Australian farmed barramundi industry was enabled with funding from Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC). The strategy was facilitated and written by McKINNA et al with close input from members of the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association and ABFA CEO...
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)

Strengthening the ABFA Quality Framework

The Australian Barramundi Farmers’ Association (ABFA) supports its members to strive to differentiate Australian farmed Barramundi on quality, safety, and sustainability. A critical aspect in building market share and securing premium price is assuring buyers and consumers that every meal of...
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)

Development of sector-specific biosecurity plan templates and guidance documents for the Australian farmed barramundi industry

As the Australian Barramundi industry continues to expand growing importance needs to be placed on ensuring nationally consistent biosecurity measures are implemented across all enterprises. In 2014, the aquatic animal industries and Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments endorsed...
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)

Seafood CRC: stamping quality across the Australian farmed Barramundi industry.

To improve viability, increase growth and maintain profitability, it was identified, through the CRC project “Barramundi branding and repositioning program”, that there needs to be a commitment to quality (along with sustainability) to justify the price differential between Australian...
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)

ABFA IPA: RD&E project investment and management via ABFA strategic plan 2014-2020

This report provides a summary of the Australian Barramundi Farmers’ Association (ABFA) Industry Partnership Agreement (IPA) with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation for the period 2015-2020. The primary objective of the IPA was to coordinate research and development funded...
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)

Seafood CRC: setting directions for the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA) - development of a strategic RD&E Plan for the Industry.

Project number: 2013-752
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,068.50
Principal Investigator: Chris E. Calogeras
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2013 - 29 Nov 2014


This project is critical for the future of the ABFA. As the industry moves to a self funded RD&E model based on industry contributions, the development of an agreed and strategic approach to investing industry funds must be undertaken to achieve the greatest return on investment to industry. This cannot be achieved unless there is an inclusive and wide ranging canvassing of ABFA RD&E needs across the diverse operations within the industry.

The ABFA does not have resources within its reserves to carry out this project and as such it relies solely on its residual CRC funds to undertake the project.


1. Development of a whole of industry Strategic RD&E Plan
2. A process for managing, updating and resourcing the Strategic RD&E Plan

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9942147-1-3
Author: Chris Calogeras
Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

Final Report • 2014-11-20 • 3.04 MB


The Australian Barramundi farming industry has seen constant growth in production and price over the last 10 years, but the industry is facing threats from a number of sources. The Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA), which represents the vast majority of producers and over 85% of farm production, has taken a leading role in seeking to address these threats. To maintain viability, and increase growth and profitability, an industry developed, endorsed and resourced, program based, Strategic and RD&E Plan was required to provide the ABFA with clear direction on where to focus resources and investment.

An inclusive face to face interview process was undertaken, liaising with all ABFA members to gather key industry issues across the diverse industry membership (regional and production system). This process allowed all members to equally contribute to the plan’s development. These industry issues were workshopped through a series of Industry meetings, and distilled into priority industry needs. These were developed into seven industry Goals and associated Strategies, and the resourcing required to address those goals across the industry’s regional and production methodology diversity was identified.

As a result, the ABFA has already adopted the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association Strategic and Research, Development and Extension Plan - 2015–2020, which provides clear and formalised guidance on ABFA's activities. The focussed and strategic program based approach means the ABFA is much better positioned to optimise its financial and human resources through a structured RD&E program, complimented by a coordinated extension program.

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