This study was requested by lobster fishermen in Victoria. Lobster fishermen wanted the Study because the manager of the fishery, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Victoria (DCNR), is proposing a reduction in fishing effort for the fishery.
The industry recognises the need to...
Current Australian abalone fisheries management primarily uses biological and catch data to set total allowable catch limits (TACs). Performance targets are usually based on trends in catch rate or catch and aim to maintain these indicators within historic bounds that have prevented recruitment...
Given the problems with open access resources and the effectiveness of modern fishing technology, there are few fisheries, if any, which will not be both biologically over-exploited and unprofitable unless they are managed effectively. For a fishery to be economically efficient requires setting...
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) ABARES
The Western Rocklobster fishery was one of the first to be made limited entry with the number of licences restricted since 1963. Historically, the main focus of the assessment and management of the fishery has been on the status of the breeding stock to ensure biological sustainability. In the...
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA