SafeFish is an initiative that was developed by the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) with Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre (ASCRC) funding in 2010 (Project 2010-752-10: SafeFish – Seafood Trade Expert Panel). The project ran until the cessation of the...
Hazards such as dioxin (PCDD/F) and PCBs have been identified in manufactured feeds as priorities for further investigation by industry. These issues are now being discussed by the South Australian Marine Finfish Farmers Association Inc (SAMFFA) and Australian feed manufacturers as part of...
Apparent anomalies between the Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (ASQAP) and the Export Control Orders stimulated the submission of FRDC Application TM003: Microbiological validation of current storage and transport temperatures for Pacific oyster industries in Australia. The...
The permitted level of sulphites/SO2 in canned abalone is 0 ppm in China’s food regulations and 1000 ppm in Australia’s food regulations. China is a major importer of Australian canned abalone, Both directly and via Hong Kong, and enforcement of the 0 ppm sulphites/SO2 in canned abalone has resulted...