PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-009 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Reducing impacts on threatened, endangered, and protected species in the Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery ORGANISATION: Department of Primary Industries (QLD) TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Rac Qld Education Commercial Species Capacity Building SPECIES Prawns Skates Rays
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-111 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Mitigating threatened species bycatch in gillnet fisheries ORGANISATION: Charles Darwin University (CDU) TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Sustainability Commercial Species Bycatch SPECIES Barramundi
PROJECT NUMBER • 2020-041 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Improving the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of mitigation tools for protected species interactions in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery ORGANISATION: Tuna Australia Ltd TAGS Wellbeing Threatened Endangered Protected Species Rac Cmwth Modelling Innovation SPECIES Striped Marlin Swordfish Bigeye Tuna Albacore Southern Bluefin Tuna
PROJECT NUMBER • 2005-053 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Effects of Trawling subprogram: reducing the impact of Queensland's trawl fisheries on protected sea snakes ORGANISATION: Department of Primary Industries (QLD) TAGS Yield Threatened Endangered Protected Species Mortality Fishing Gear Fisheries Management
PROJECT NUMBER • 2022-068 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Multi-fishery collaboration to assess population abundances and post release survival of threatened Sawfish captured in commercial fishing operations in Northern Australia ORGANISATION: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Ltd TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Tagging Rac Wa Rac Qld Rac Nt
PROJECT NUMBER • 2013-008 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Movement, habitat utilisation and population status of the endangered Maugean skate and implications for fishing and aquaculture operations in Macquarie Harbour ORGANISATION: University of Tasmania (UTAS) TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Rac Tas Population Dynamics Habitat Electronic Monitoring SPECIES Atlantic Salmon Trouts Skates
PROJECT NUMBER • 2002-033 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Rapid assessment of sustainability for ecological risk of shark & other chondrichthyan bycatch species taken in the SSF, SENTF, SETF and GABTF ORGANISATION: Agriculture Victoria TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Sustainability Stakeholder Fisheries Management Environmental Impact SPECIES Whitespotted Dogfish Broadnose Shark Shovelnose Rays Angel Sharks Roughskin Dogfishes
PROJECT NUMBER • 2010-564 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED FRDC-DCCEE: preadapting a Tasmanian coastal ecosystem to ongoing climate change through reintroduction of a locally extinct species ORGANISATION: University of Tasmania (UTAS) TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Resource Access And Allocation Oceanography Fisheries Management Climate Change SPECIES Wrasses Sea Urchins
PROJECT NUMBER • 2008-350 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Treating prawns with an extended dip in Everfresh ORGANISATION: International Union for Conservation of Nature TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Sustainability Pollution Policy Habitat
PROJECT NUMBER • 2004-063 PROJECT STATUS: COMPLETED Determining ecological effects of longline fishing in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery ORGANISATION: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart TAGS Threatened Endangered Protected Species Population Dynamics Modelling Laboratory Procedures Habitat