The management and disposal of solid wastes from seafood processing, food manufacturing and allied industries is a major economic and environmental issue for Australian industry. Large quantities of wet waste of this nature are routinely disposed of to landfill at considerable cost to...
This report summarises the research undertaken under FRDC 2013/711.40: New Opportunities for Seafood Processing Waste
Industry consultation and the development of a modified value chain analysis framework for new products from processing waste resulted in eleven industry case studies being...
The assessment indicated that heating recycled mollusc shells in water to 80°C for at least 5 minutes would meet the ALOP for all diseases (despite uncertainly for some disease agents due to lack of information, as indicated by ?), and was within the ALOP for all pests of concern. This method...
Fisheries bycatch reduction and utilisation is an important topic in the western world in both policy and research developments. At an international level, the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries directs management agencies and fisheries to reduce discards through development and...