Published: 31 July 2024 Updated: 29 November 2024
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FRDC Update

FRDC welcomes newly appointed Ministers

FRDC welcomes the Hon Julie Collins MP and new Assistant Minister Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio Minister.  

FRDC congratulates and welcomes Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Hon Julie Collins MP and Assistant Minister Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm, who were sworn into today by Her Excellency the Hon Sam Mostyn, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia at Government House. 

In accepting her role, the Hon Minister Collins said she was pleased to take on this new responsibility. “I welcome the great honour to serve as the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Albanese Labor Government and thank the Prime Minister for this new challenge,” said Minister Collins. “Agriculture plays a vital role in our country, and our national economy continues to rely on a strong and diverse sector.”  

FRDC also welcomed Queensland Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm to the new position of Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and thanks Senator the Hon Murray Watt, who has been promoted to Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations for his oversight of the portfolio over the past two years.  

Dr Beth Woods OAM, FRDC Chair

FRDC has welcomed our new Chair, Dr Beth Woods, who was appointed by Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, The Hon Murray Watt on 3 June 2024.  

The current FRDC Board of Directors appointment terms end on 31 August 2024. Mr Travis Dowling has been appointed the Presiding Member of the Board Selection Committee who have provided Director nominations to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 

RDC Five Year Independent Performance Review

FRDC is required under its Statutory Funding Agreement 2020-30 with DAFF to undertake an independent review of the FRDC’s performance against the Performance Principals outlined in the Agreement.  

Forest Hill Consulting finalised the review for 2020-24 on 5 July 2024. As part of the independent review a number of face-to-face interviews were conducted, in addition to broader stakeholder consultation. The Final Report made 10 recommendations.  The FRDC Board has accepted all the recommendations - the status of their implementation is outlined here.  

Consultation on FRDC’s R&D Plan 2025-30

FRDC is in the process of undertaking stakeholder consultation to help inform and refine the first draft of the 2025-2030 R&D Plan. Consultation with stakeholders in October showed that key themes of work continue in importance, and that the 2025-2030 Plan will have an overarching objective of connecting from the 2020-25 Plan towards the targets and challenges laid out in National Fisheries Plan 2030 and Fish Forever 2030. Consultation and first draft refinements will be occur throughout August, followed by a round of feedback on the revised draft in September and October.  

Appointment of new RAC Chairs

FRDC has appointed the RAC Chairs for each jurisdiction after a fantastic response from interested parties. 

The Chairs, appointed for a three-year term, are: 

  • WARAC Chair, Brett McCallum 

  • SARAC Chair, Steve Kennelly  

  • VICRAC Chair, Tracey Bradley  

  • TASRAC and NTRAC Chair, Heidi Mumme 

  • COMRAC, NSWRAC and QldRAC Chair Cathy Dichmont  

RACs play a vital role in ensuring FRDC investment delivers real impact. We congratulate the appointees and thank the strong field of candidates for their applications.  

The next round of RAC meetings will occur later in the year and will focus on the delivery of current projects, adoption of project outputs and reviewing investment needs.  


FRDC is committed to supporting our research partners and providing you what you need. We’ve created a useful page including all of the communication resources – guides and tools  you might need, to help you maximise the impact of your research. 

For assistance with communication, extension, and/or research dissemination, reach out to the FRDC Stakeholder Engagement team at If you have any feedback or suggestions on what else to include, or you’d like support with your project extension and communication planning. 

Update on FRDC Call for Investment Opportunities

Call for investments

FRDC did not proceed with the June Call for Investment Opportunities. This enabled current priorities in the system to be effectively reviewed and revised and for specific feedback to be provided to each of the RACs on the relevant priorities.  

The next Call for Investments Opportunities is scheduled to for mid-November.  

Milestone Submission

With the kick off the new financial year it is a great time for research providers to clear the deck and submit milestones and any other reporting. Thanks to all research partners who submitted their reports prior to the EOFY.  

The Stakeholder Engagement team at FRDC very much appreciate early advice on any planned communication and extension activities.   

Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance call for applications – update

In March 2024, FRDC released a call for applications to address research, development & extension (RD&E) priorities nominated by the Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance (ASSA) and FRDC under the Australian Government Seaweed Initiative.  

The following projects were funded through this process: 
Note that some of the projects have been approved by FRDC, but not officially contracted with the applicant as of 1st August 2024.

Project Number




Design and build a portable hatchery prototype for the Australian seaweed industry 

Sea Health Kelp Lab

Protoplast-Based Mariculture Solutions for scalable Asparagopsis farming 
Central Queensland University


Optimal nutrient requirements for Asparagopsis cultivation   

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart 


The bigger blue potential for Asparagopsis: A review of the potential for blue carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and biodiversity credits for the Australian Asparagopsis seaweed industry 

Blueshift Consulting

2023-193  Investigating the bioremediation potential of seaweed aquaculture across Australia 
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart 


Formulate a comprehensive framework to inform relevant regulatory bodies on safety regulations and legislation pertaining to food, feed, and other forms of bioproducts of Asparagopsis spp. and other seaweeds of key interest to the Australian seaweed

Integrity Compliance Solutions Pty Ltd


Establish an on-line portal where Australian seaweed industry members can find contact details and useful associated information to facilitate state and federal government permitting of seaweed related activities

Honey and Fox Pty Ltd 


Evaluate and optimise cost and energy effective solutions for lighting, carbon delivery and mixing in intensive commercial scale tetrasporophyte production of Asparagopsis 

Flinders University

2023-175  Biorefinery approaches to creating value from Asparagopsis 
Deakin University Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus 
Australian Seaweed ED:  on-line portal containing material that can be used by educators, the industry and media to increase awareness and enhance industry’s social license to develop and operate Australian seaweed aquaculture  
Honey and Fox Pty Ltd 

National News

National Fisheries Plan Update

The National Fisheries Plan provides a shared vision and strategic framework to prioritise actions and enhance collaboration among governments and sectors and aims to drive sustainable growth of Australian fishing, aquaculture, and seafood. The National Fisheries Plan Coordination Group, comprised of members from Commonwealth and State government, scientific organisations, commercial, recreational and indigenous fishers and Seafood Industry Australia, was established to develop and oversee the progress of a framework to guide the implementation of initiatives for fisheries managers and sectors set by the National Fisheries Plan.  

Implementation of the National Fisheries Plan is progressing well with the most recent coordination group meeting held in May this year. FRDC participated in a discussion about opportunities for improving national data collection and accessibility for recreational fishing through citizen science and recreational fishing apps. The Group also considered how the outcomes of the Futures of Seafood project may be used to assist in achieving the outcomes of the National Fisheries Plan, the overlap between the commercial and recreational sector and marketability of underutilised species. 

FRDC staff are actively participating in the National Fisheries Plan Coordination Group, with collaboration underway to develop a report capturing progress being made under the National Fisheries Plan. The published report will be used to inform future priority work.

Project Updates

2024 Status of Australian Fish Stock Reports

The Sixth Edition of SAFS is out now! SAFS shows 316 of the 503 fish stocks are sustainable.  

Stock Status Results from SAFS


SAFS serves as a vital assessment tool, employing a nationally agreed framework to evaluate the abundance of fish and current harvest levels. This information is used to help support the long-term viability of these populations and the ecosystems they inhabit. 

Thanks to the 40 SAFS authors and 118 reviewers who made this edition possible – see the team that makes this happen: .  

Futures of Seafood

Thanks to everyone who has attended a ‘Futures of Seafood’ (FRDC-Project 2023-092) workshop or who has completed the online surveys. The project is gathering and analysing data to support sector participation in the current ocean estate, for the medium to long-term direction of all the sectors.   

This initiative is being led by Seafood Industry Australia and the Blue Economy CRC who are engaging with Australian indigenous, aquaculture, post-harvest, and wild-caught seafood industry, recreational and First Nations, other ocean industries and managers to gather their insights. 

The team is mapping, modelling, and describing Australia’s seafood industry and the wider activities in the ocean estate. This collaborative approach is fundamental to ensure the Futures of Seafood study achieves its ambitious suite of outputs while representing the experiences, insights and data with respect and integrity. Learn more about this initiative, find out how to participate and read the quarterly update.  

Seafood Careers platform

The Seafood Careers platform was officially launched at the Parliamentary Friends of Australian Seafood Function at Parliament House on Monday 1 July 2024.  

Australian Agricultural Data Exchange

The Australian Agricultural Data Exchange (AADX) has completed its technology partner selection and will be partnering with Eratos to deliver the AADX. Eratos is now working closely with AADX foundation members to identify relevant and impactful pilot studies to demonstrate the full potential of the AADX.  

FRDC has already been working with Eratos as part of FRDC project 2022-176: Increasing food security through liberation of fishing and aquaculture data giving Fishing & Aquaculture a head start in solving data challenges using the data exchange concept.  

While also working on FRDC integrating the Data Exchange into several existing projects, FRDC and Eratos will be working together to bring together guidance to inform what it is required to be ‘Exchange ready’. To keep updated of project progress sign up to the newsletter.  

Circularity 2022-2025 Program – workshop series

The FRDC Circular Economy Program (Project 2021-133) is half-way through its project life with several outputs delivered. Under the Environment, Sustainable, Governance (ESG) framework which has become widely adopted by business and government, FRDC has placed a focus on Circular Economy as an important pillar within our Sustainability goals. A circular economy refers to an approach to business and governance that reduces waste, adds value, and works at a local or regional level. Our current project has five initiatives that are being worked on con-currently: 

  • Initiative 1: Using collected data, establish a Material Flow Assessment (MFA) for the different sectors with fishing and aquaculture. The inputs and outputs are quantified for a defined system with boundaries, evaluates outputs in terms of waste, carbon emission and saleable product, as well as offering an assessment of the barriers by sector to circular economy adoption and potential strategies and enablers to overcome these. This report is now completed and will be communicated shortly. 

  • Initiative 2: Circular Advantage. Establishing networks and visiting and hearing from people actively involved in circular economy programs is essential for growing the culture of circularity within fishing and aquaculture. In 2023 a very successful forum was held in Merimbula NSW, and the next Advantage forum is being held in Adelaide, SA on August 7-9. Last minute registrations are welcome so please get in touch with Natalie Manahan by 7 August 

  • Initiative 3: Working with commercial businesses, we utilise a framework called Circularity Transition Indicators (CTI) to allow and measured baseline and subsequent benchmarking of achieving circularity objectives. 

  • Initiative 4: Circular Accelerator. Using a startup accelerator training program developed by University of Wollongong, our project has completed its first cohort of 10 participants. At the end of 6 weeks training, the cohort businesses pitched to receive a small funding grant to support their circulatory endeavours. Winners will be announced in a separate announcement shortly. The next cohort commences in September. For more information get in touch with  

  • Initiative 5: Community of Practice. Understanding the most effective way of engaging stakeholders and participants within the Circular economy underpins this final initiative. Performance assessment will allow continual improvement in the way circularity is built into our fishing and aquaculture sectors. 

Business Research and Innovation Initiative (BRII) program for Renewables and Low Emissions Feasibility 

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) and FRDC is facilitating BRII funding to reduce carbon emissions in the commercial fishing sector. 

  • BRII funds creators, innovators, start-ups and SMEs, who have applied for a competitive grant of up to $100,000, to develop solutions for increasing energy efficiency in commercial fishing operations. 

  • Applications were received, evaluated and are in the final stages of approval from the Department. Successful grant recipients will be notified soon.  

Alternative Gears Project update

FRDC has partnered with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on an inshore fishery alternative and innovative gears program (2023-154) in response to the phasing out of gillnet fishing in area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The initiative is implementing a program of work to execute three stages: 

  1. scoping of alternative gear types 

  1. trialling alternative gears 

  1. implementation, accreditation, and social/economic evaluation of alternative gears.  

The scoping of alternative gears has been carried out in consultation with affected fishers along the Queensland coast with multiple workshops held in major ports early in 2024.  

Recently a two-day workshop was held to discuss the potential application of a range of candidate fishing gears to replace inshore gillnets. The workshop involved an extended stakeholder group that included the Qld inshore fishers recreational fishers, environmental NGOs, researchers, fisheries compliance, fisheries managers, the Qld Fisheries taskforce, Qld Department of Environment and Science (DES), Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, economists, social scientists and the post-harvest sector. Implementation of the gear trials is expected occur throughout 2024.  

Key Conferences

Seafood Directions 10-12 September 2024, Hobart

2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the Seafood Directions conference bringing together the seafood industry to discuss critical issues and compelling content. Seafood Directions was established in 1999 by FRDC and the former Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC), and we continue to support Seafood Industry Australia to run this important biennial event.  

Hosted in Tasmania, Seafood Directions will spotlight some of the most pressing trends, cutting-edge innovations, and significant challenges that shape our sector. It is an unparalleled opportunity for industry leaders and policymakers to collaborate and drive forward-thinking initiatives. 

This year’s conference theme, Futures of Seafood, will be explored through more than 50 insightful sessions led by national and international experts. Check out the program and register now

Sea Country Conference in Darwin on 24-26 September 2024

The Australian Sea Country Conference will take place at the Darwin Convention Centre on 24-26 September 2024. 

The aim of the conference is to develop strategies for enhancing First Nations involvement in matters concerning the protection and utilisation of sea country. Through a series of presentations, discussions and collaborative sessions, the goal is to deepen the understanding of First Nations' perspectives, promote the recognition of First Nations rights in environmental contexts, and bolster the advancement of First Nations-led initiatives. 

Australia currently has national peak bodies representing the seafood industry, recreational fishers, and environmental interests in sea country. However, there is currently no representation for First Nations. This conference aims to potentially lay the groundwork for establishing a First Nations Peak Body that represents interests in sea country-related matters. In doing so, it is intended to provide guidance for consistency in recognition of Native Title rights between States/Territory/Federal governments. 

By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives, the conference aspires to contribute to a future where First Nations governance models, traditional knowledge, and leadership are central to shaping Australia's marine environment. 

Register here  

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Upcoming Events 2024

Check out FRDC's updated events webpage for all upcoming events in one convenient location. 

New projects contracted from 1 March 2024

Project Number



Principal Investigator


Australian Sea Country Conference

Aboriginal Sea Company

Kylie Fadelli 


Capturing fisher ecological knowledge of climate change: a Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery case study

Fishwell Pty Ltd

Ian Knuckey

 2024 CITES Animal Committee Meeting bursary  Queensland Sea Cucumber Association 
Chauncey Hammond 
2024-002  Sponsorship: WISA Power Up Breakfast 2024 Seafood Directions
Women in Seafood Australasia (WISA)  Kirsten Abernethy 
Sailing the marine knowledge landscape: Enhancing the discoverability, accessibility, and usability of FRDC investment
Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)  Mingfang Wu 
2023-193  Investigating the bioremediation potential of seaweed aquaculture across Australia 
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart 
Katie A. Cresswell 
2023-190  The bigger blue potential for Asparagopsis: A review of the potential for blue carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and biodiversity credits for the Australian Asparagopsis seaweed industry 
Blueshift Consulting  Robert Bell 
Community Trust in Rural Industries 2022-2025 - Joint RDC initiative 
AgriFutures Australia  Georgina Toose 
2023-177  Formulate a comprehensive framework to inform relevant regulatory bodies on safety regulations and legislation pertaining to food, feed, and other forms of bioproducts of Asparagopsis spp. and other seaweeds of key interest to the Australian seaweed
Integrity Compliance Solutions Pty Ltd  Clare Winkel 
2023-175  Biorefinery approaches to creating value from Asparagopsis 
Deakin University Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus 
Colin J. Barrow 
Post harvest application of electro-stunning in a commercial setting, sustainable packaging development and new product development to increase sustainability of Australian farmed Barramundi 
Humpty Doo Barramundi Pty Ltd  Trent D'Antignana 
Design and build a portable hatchery prototype for the Australian seaweed industry 
Sea Health Kelp Lab 
Warren Atkins 
Protoplast-Based Mariculture Solutions for scalable Asparagopsis farming 
Central Queensland University  Manoj Kumar 
2023-165  Optimal nutrient requirements for Asparagopsis cultivation 
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart 
Catriona Hurd 
Supporting Australian farmed Barramundi industry quality goals - Consumer's experience of quality 
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Brisbane 
Philippa Lyons 
Transformation in Commonwealth Fisheries Management Policy: connecting research, policy and practice in addressing shifting expectations 
Commonwealth Fisheries Association Inc (CFA)  Christine Kershaw
Economic Impact assessment of FRDC's annual RD&E investments: a three year procurement 
GHD Pty Ltd Sydney  Susan Madden 
2023-157  Safety & Wellbeing Steering Committee annual workshops 
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA)  Jacky Cartwright 
Northern Territory Aquaculture Research, Development and Extension Workshop 2024 and supporting Aboriginal partner attendance 
Department of Industry Tourism and Trade  Samantha J. Nowland 
Prawn trawl sea-snake bycatch reduction device - Assessment, refinement, and extension 
Sea Harvest Fishing Company Pty Ltd  John Wakeford 
Inshore fishery alternative and innovative gears partnership 
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 
Samuel M. Williams 
Toxicological studies of nodularin to underpin risk management of seafood in Gippsland Lakes 
Cawthron Institute  Jonathan Puddick 
Queensland gillnet fishers - a story and history  Bowerman Ventures Pty Ltd 
Martin R. Bowerman 
2023-111  Mitigating threatened species bycatch in gillnet fisheries  Charles Darwin University (CDU) 
Peter M. Kyne 
Australian Council of Prawn Fishers Industry Partnership Agreement - Environment RD&E Program 
Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries Ltd (ACPF) 
Rachel King 
Detecting paralytic shellfish toxins in oysters - initial assessment of AquaBC rapid test kit 
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart 
Andreas Seger 
Capability and Capacity: enabling and accelerating career pathways in fishing and aquaculture (Horizon scholarships) 
AgriFutures Australia  Annabel Day 
Australian seaweed industry delegation to Korea to share learning 
Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance  Lindsay Hermes 
Clarence Riven Green Prawn Market Diversification Assistance Measures 
Honey and Fox Pty Ltd  Jayne M. Gallagher 
Futures of Seafood. Wild. Aquaculture. Recreational. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders 
Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre Co-Ltd 
Angela Williamson 
Snapper Science Program: Theme 2 – Estimates of Biomass 
Flinders University  Michael Drew 
Pathways for recognising recreational fishing considerations in fisheries management frameworks 
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart 
Sean Tracey 

Final Reports achieved since 1 March 2024

Note that some of these final reports are currently not available on our website.  

Project Number



Principal Investigator


ASBTIA: Optimising the use of praziquantel to manage blood fluke infections in commercially ranched SBT 

SARDI Food Safety and Innovation 

Marty R. Deveney 

Assess the feasibility of holding the 12th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management in Perth Western Australia in 2020 
Western Rock Lobster Council Inc (WRLC)  Matt H. Taylor 
Southern Rock Lobster Planning and Management for a National Research Development & Extension (RD&E) Program 
Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL)  Tom T. Cosentino 
Development of prawn fleet spatial management and profitability tools using tablet based technologies 
Real Time Data Pty Ltd  Simon Dick 
Abalone Council Australia Ltd Planning and Management for a National Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Program 
Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA)  Dean M. Lisson 
Maximising the value of the NSW Long Fin Eel catch through a whole of supply chain approach - Stage 1 
Honey and Fox Pty Ltd  Jayne M. Gallagher 
Storm Bay Observing System: Assessing the Performance of Aquaculture Development 
University of Tasmania  Jeff Ross 
2018-170  Development of diagnostic and surveillance techniques to promote modern Southern Bluefin Tuna health management 
RMIT University Melbourne City Campus  Nathan Bott 
South Australian Pacific Oyster selective breeding program: Building POMS resistance to reduce risk for the South Australian oyster industry 
University of Adelaide  Xiaoxu Li 
The Detection of Ciguatera Toxins in NSW Spanish Mackerel 
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) 
Shauna Murray 
Evaluation of nanobubble technology in aquaculture  NSW Department of Primary Industries 
Igor Pirozzi 
Bursaries to fund three South Australian Recreational Fishing community members to attend the National Recreational Fishing Conference 2019 
Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) 
Sam Stone 
Toxigenic vibrio baselines and optimum storage, transport and shelf-life conditions to inform cold supply chains in the north Australian Tropical Rock Oyster industry 
Charles Darwin University (CDU)  Karen S. Gibb 
A review of fisheries enhancement methods to promote profitability and sustainability in Australian fisheries 
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Brisbane 
Andrew Norris 
Future proofing the Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) Industry by developing new products for new markets 
Kin Premium Australian Seafood Pty Ltd  Trent D'Antignana 
An investigation of recreational fishing peak bodies in Western Australia, Victoria and Northern Territory to identify insights into models of success 
Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing Inc (TARFish) 
Jane Gallichan 
Data management and governance framework development for fishing and aquaculture 
More Than Machines Pty Ltd (MTM)  Andrew Skinner 
Environmental risk factors that may contribute to vibrio outbreaks - A South Australian case study 
Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) 
Stephen Pahl 
Recreational fishers in Tasmania: understanding experiences, behaviours, drivers, communication needs and change factors 
Action Market Research  Neil Howells 
Inland saline aquaculture - past progress, new opportunities and a synthesis of available knowledge 
NSW Department of Primary Industries  Geoff L. Allan 
2022-097   Australian Fisheries Management Forum Data and Digital Sharing Working Group Digital Strategy 
More Than Machines Pty Ltd (MTM)  Andrew Skinner 
Supporting attendees at the International Tropical Rock Oyster Workshop & World Aquaculture Conference 2023 
Department of Industry Tourism and Trade  Samantha J. Nowland 
Pathways and opportunities to reduce the carbon footprint of the Australian prawn farming industry 
Blueshift Consulting  Robert A. Bell 
Reciprocal working group visit to France for oyster farming and hatchery technology transfer 
Hexcyl Systems Pty Ltd  Garry Seidl 
Investigative tour to World Fisheries Congress, Boston Seafood Show and Electric and Hybrid Maritime Expo (2024) 
Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd  Clayton M. Nelson 
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