Published: 1 June 2022 Updated: 18 June 2022


Progress reports

Period Description  

December 2019


The National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) is being finalised, to be delivered to the Australian Government in late December 2019.

The Plan brings together results from each of the 18 research projects and numerous planning investigations commissioned as part of the NCCP.


September 2019


The National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) is entering its final months before being presented to the Australian Government in December 2019. Activities being focused on include: wrapping up the research program; consolidating research into issues papers for consideration by a variety of stakeholders; and development of the plan itself based on the research conclusions.


June 2019


In April 2019, the National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) held an event in Canberra to present a summary of the NCCP research program to its advisory groups. The research overview focused on biophysical projects commissioned as part of the NCCP research program, with updates about the other research to be provided later in 2019.


March 2019


The NCCP has now entered its final year, under the lead of a new coordinator.


December 2018


The Australian Government has approved the extension of NCCP to December 2019, an additional year from the original December 2018 deadline.


September 2018


Research continues with options being explored to use the carp biomass which would result from the virus release.




June 2018


Research is well underway and the NCCP has been actively engaging with communities in a series of case studies.


March 2018


The NCCP research program is in full swing, and the first round of community meetings is almost completed. This update provides some further detail on the research projects as they advance through their experiments and start producing preliminary results that address some of the key issues raised by the community.


September 2017


The NCCP has been busy getting research projects underway and moving into our program of public consultation. Two independent advisory groups (science & policy) and two working groups (communications & operations) have been established to guide the process of delivering a plan at the end of 2018.


July 2017


This early progress report explains the history of carp in Australia, the role of the NCCP, why carp are a problem, why a virus has potential, what other options have been explored, and what we need to know.
