16 results

Seafood Directions 2017

In May 2016, The Association Specialists were contracted to manage the biannual National Seafood Industry Conference, Seafood Directions, at the International Convention Centre Sydney. The event included the following: The conference was held across three days (Wednesday 27 September...
Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd

SCRC: DNSW/SFM Joint Market Research Project

Project number: 2014-709
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Stephanie Margrain
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 15 Jun 2014 - 30 Aug 2015


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

SCRC: Sydney Fish Market supply chain opportunities

Project number: 2013-750
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Gus Dannoun
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2013 - 29 Jul 2014


Commercial in confidence. To know more about this project please contact FRDC.


Commercial in confidence

The Comparative Performance of Management of the Individual Threats to Marine Environments and Fisheries Resources

Project number: 2013-029
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $108,000.00
Principal Investigator: Robert Kearney
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 19 May 2013 - 7 Jul 2014


There is an enormous void in peer reviewed information that can be used to support the case that fishing in Australia is relatively environmentally friendly souce of food and has extremely little impact on marine environments compared to the other, even obvious, threats. Improving the public perception of fishing as an environmental threat is arguably the greatest and most urgent strategic issue facing fishing in Australia today.

The primary need is to obtain a well-researched comparison of the extremely effective management of fishing in Australia with the less than impressive management of other threats to marine ecosystems and fisheries resources. What is required from this project is a scholarly (well researched and documented) assessment of at least the major threats to fisheries resources and marine environments more generally and the possible prioritization of those threats. This prioritization should, in so far as possible, take account of the alternative management approaches for example in marine parks, of the numerous threats to marine biodiversity, ecosystems and the resources they support.

While the project has an initial NSW focus there is no doubt it will help meet the critical need for national debate on what the real threats are to marine environments in the many different types of environments and what impact each type of threat to marine environments has on fish and fisheries.


1. The production of a matrix that compares the different threats to marine systems and fisheries resources
2. Provide an assessment of the different threats to marine resources and identification of the possible priorities for addressing each type of threat

Seafood CRC: increase sustainable use of crab fisheries resources by recovering revenue from crabs currently rejected at market

Financial losses on the live mud and spanner crab supply chain into Sydney Fish Market are significant. An analysis of data from the 2010/11 financial year demonstrated that: Mud crabs that were downgraded due to being slow represented 2.8% (around 11 tonne) of product supplied worth $71,238...
Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd

Seafood CRC: preliminary investigation of internationally recognised Responsible Fisheries Management Certification

Project number: 2012-746
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $263,330.00
Principal Investigator: Sevaly Sen
Organisation: Sydney Fish Market Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2012 - 31 May 2014


Sydney Fish Market, along with the many wholesalers and cooperatives that trade in Australian seafood, is constantly having its product supply eroded due to increasing restrictions on commercial fishing operations. Over the last 10 years the introduction of recreational fishing havens and State and
Commonwealth marine parks, such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, has resulted in access to Australian wild caught seafood being constantly under threat. There is a strong belief that this is due to a popular perception that fisheries are not being sustainably managed and therefore require additional

With the environmental and fisheries management controls in place through the EPBC Act and Commonwealth and State fisheries management legislation, the industry view is that fisheries are well managed and sustainable.

Environmental NGOs’ public campaigns are causing considerable pressure for change in Australia. This has led to extensive negative media coverage about the industry and consequently increased the risk of further closures to fisheries through the erosion of community and political support. This
negative media is also putting businesses along the supply chain like SFM, on the defensive regarding sustainability of the seafood that they sell.


1. To evaluate the applicability and benefits of the Global Trust FAO based RFM Performance Criteria in an Australian fisheries management context.
2. To explore options for the development of a certification mark and make recommendations for its appropriate ownership structure, so that this can be used to demonstrate to the public (and other stakeholders) the status of fisheries against this Certification Program

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9804231-4-3
Author: Sevaly Sen
Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

Final Report • 2015-11-01 • 2.25 MB


The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and FAO Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries represent internationally negotiated documents that represent consensus on the criteria for responsibly managed fisheries. These ‘tools’ form the basis of a number of private standards that are used for the certification of fisheries; including Marine Stewardship Council, Alaska FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification and Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management Certification.

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based RFM Certification for Australia by testing on two NSW fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.

The first phase of the project was a general desk top review of the consistency of Australian and Commonwealth fisheries management systems against the Conformance Criteria. As anticipated, the review demonstrated that there were no fundamental reasons why Australian fisheries management could not utilise FAO criteria as a basis for fisheries certification. The next step was to assess whether the Conformance Criteria were applicable at the fishery-level.

Compatibility assessment studies were carried out on two NSW fisheries which displayed varying degrees of complexity (species, gears, locations) in order to test the extremities of the FAO Based Conformance Criteria. The studies centred on testing how suitable both the FAO Based Conformance Criteria and the current accredited assessment procedures were for use for the assessment of Australian State fisheries.

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