In Tasmania, farming of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) has developed rapidly since the first
trials in 1985 and has grown progressively to the current 60,000 tonnes produced in 2020..
Salmon farming in open sea cages produces organic and inorganic wastes which have the
potential to impact the...
This project delivers a hindcast and near real time Storm Bay Modelling and Information System that is fit for the purpose of simulating water quality and characterising nutrients in Storm Bay from ocean currents, sediment resuspension, river and anthropogenic (including fish farm) inputs. The...
The Tasmanian salmon industry is seeking to grow production safely and sustainably in the next two decades, further increasing the tangible benefits to the Tasmanian community. Our aim, through the Tasmanian Global Salmon Symposium partnership, is to deliver this by being the most environmentally...