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Future proofing the northern Australia aquaculture industry need for skilled staff to 2050

Project number: 2021-019
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $18,200.00
Principal Investigator: Leo Nankervis
Organisation: James Cook University (JCU)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2021 - 29 Jun 2022


The project is focussed on capacity building to meet the skills needs of an expanding industry and thus fits into strategic priority 5.3: Deliver skills for the new economy. The northern Australia aquaculture industry will need between 1400 and 2300 new skilled staff by 2030 to support projected industry growth. Aquaculture producers identified challenges in the shortage of domestic skilled and experienced aquaculture staff and on-farm biosecurity and health management capacity building. Producers highlighted the requirement to build skills to meet industry growth needs, including professional development for current staff, aligning training with industry needs and promoting career opportunities in the northern Australian aquaculture industry among regional communities. The proposed project aims to de-risk industry investment into growth by matching human capital expansion to industry growth predictions.


1. Provide educational providers with documentation of the skills sets required of their graduates in order to shape course outcomes.
2. Provide data on the capacity requirements of education providers into the future to guide the course size needed to meet the expansion ambitions of the industry.
3. Provide evidence and pathways to meaningful careers for students entering the latter stages of secondary education.
4. A workforce education that more closely matches industry demand for qualified personnel.

Final report

Authors: L. Nankervis G. Barbaro A. Irving M. Joyce M. Pizzutto A. Diedrich K. Condon
Final Report • 2023-01-01 • 1.44 MB


The aquaculture industry in Northern Australia (NA) is undergoing a period of unprecedented growth, precipitating an increasing demand for skilled staff. To facilitate this growth, the industry requires an increasing stream of suitably skilled and qualified entrants to the industry workforce. Prior to this project, the extent to which educational models aligned to industry requirements was unclear, in terms of graduate knowledge and skills, but also in terms of graduate numbers. We aimed to address this alignment, while also identifying barriers to cost-effective delivery of vocational training for the Northern Australian aquaculture industry and investigating new training models that may assist. We further aimed to identify career pathways and derive careers documentation to better align the interests of potential industry entrants to education and careers pathways, highlighting this industry to those with compatible interests. 

Accelerating the adoption of digital technology on Queensland prawn farms

Project number: 2020-111
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,000.00
Principal Investigator: Kim Hooper
Organisation: Australian Prawn Farmers Association (APFA)
Project start/end date: 13 Apr 2023 - 15 Jun 2023


Over the next five years, Australia’s prawn farming industry is projected to grow to $500M of sales value, as well as an anticipated capital investment of $400M in expansion projects. Subsequently, this will create an estimated 1,200 direct and 3,000 indirect jobs in regional Australia. This significant expansion, and increased reliance on digital skills and infrastructure will challenge the industry and requires a strategic approach to building capacity to accelerate the transformation of the sector.
Members of the APFA have identified a need to invest in emerging technologies, such as novel disease management, automatic feeders, innovative aeration technologies, feed additives, drones, digitised farming and water management systems, as outlined in their Strategic Plan 2020-25. These technologies have the potential to make prawn farming businesses more profitable, productive and environmentally sustainable. In order to embrace these technologies, the industry urgently needs workers to be digitally literate and attract new employees that already possess or are willing to be trained in these skills.
The ‘Accelerating the adoption of digital technology on Australian prawn farms’ project will create a resilient and profitable prawn farming workforce by escalating the adoption of digital technologies across the sector. A range of emerging and current technologies will be showcased to prawn farmers to accelerate their adoption, thus increasing their responsiveness and resilience to industry challenges.
By providing industry-wide learning opportunities for employees across the supply chain, a capable and confident workforce will be created. The project will focus on building the digital skills and capabilities of current and future workforce participants, as well as create new job opportunities across regional Australia for people already digitally literate. With the support and the commitment of the industry and the government this project has the potential to digitally transform prawn farming, showcase its advancements to the wider population, and develop resources to deliver the skilled workers needed for ongoing success.


1. The development of a user-friendly Prawn Skills Digital Training Hub
2. An assessment of the digital skills required to adopt a minimum of three specific currenttechnologies which have the potential to make Queensland prawn farms more profitable,productive and environmentally sustainable
3. A minimum of three training packages developed to increase the digital capabilities ofQueensland prawn farming industry workforce participants.
4. A minimum of three self-paced online training courses hosted on the Prawn Skills DigitalTraining Hub
5. A minimum of three face-to-face training workshops delivered to current and future prawnfarming workforce participants and training providers.

Educational material

Author: Central Queensland University
Educational material • 2023-05-01


The Prawn Farmers Digital Skills Hub is free and available at the CQU website link. The hub will provide the Australian prawn farming industry with access to education and training in the digital skills required to accelerate the adoption of current and emerging technologies. The Prawn Farmers Digital Skills Hub is a co-funded project by Program APFA, FRDC, CQUniversity and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries through the Agribusiness Digital Solutions Grant. This is a self-paced course, with no formal assessment, CPD hours or Certificate of Completion allocated.

Survey for WSSV vectors in the Moreton Bay White Spot Biosecurity Area

The objective of this project was to undertake opportunistic plankton sampling and collect small non-commercial species of decapod crustaceans in northern Moreton Bay and near the intakes of the three prawn farms which remained operating on the Logan River during April and May 2020, at a time when...
DigsFish Services Pty Ltd
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