PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-096 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery gap analysis ORGANISATION: Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA) TAGS Social Acceptability Rac Qld Market Opportunities Fisheries Management SPECIES Prawns
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-092 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Futures of Seafood. Wild. Aquaculture. Recreational. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders ORGANISATION: Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre Co-Ltd TAGS Resource Access And Allocation Renewable Energy Marine Park Energy Energy
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-088 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT FRDC Sponsored RD&E State Awards ORGANISATION: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) TAGS Quality Education Communications Capacity Building Business
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-084 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Capability & Capacity: advancing education & career pathways through collaboration (inc. National Food & Fibre Education Strategy) ORGANISATION: Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) TAGS Workforce Education Capacity Building
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-075 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Seafood Careers Australia platform - technical build ORGANISATION: Icon Agency TAGS Workforce Capacity Building
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-060 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Pursuing Marine Stewardship Council Certification for the Australian Southern Rock Lobster fisheries ORGANISATION: Southern Rocklobster Ltd (SRL) TAGS Social Acceptability Market Opportunities Fisheries Management SPECIES Southern Rock Lobster
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-039 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Assessing the effectiveness of LEDs, T90 cod-end/grid trawl systems and net modifications for reducing bycatch and improving efficiency and selectivity of catches in South Australian prawn fisheries ORGANISATION: Flinders University TAGS Trawl Rac Sa Innovation Efficiency Bycatch SPECIES Prawns
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-033 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Data measures of success against ACPF 2021-2026 Strategic Plan ORGANISATION: Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries Ltd (ACPF) TAGS Social Acceptability Marketing Consumer Community SPECIES Prawns
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-031 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Post graduate support for novel governance for a changing ocean ORGANISATION: University of Tasmania (UTAS) TAGS Travel Bursary Leadership Capacity Building
PROJECT NUMBER • 2023-025 PROJECT STATUS: CURRENT Rural Women's Award bursaries 2023-2025 ORGANISATION: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) TAGS Travel Bursary Leadership Capacity Building