Vibrio spp. are bacteria that naturally occur in oysters. Some Vibrio spp. such as V. parahaemolyticus cause human disease when levels are high and oysters are eaten raw. Predictive tools can be used to estimate V. parahaemolyticus levels in oysters, and to monitor and design cold chains that...
The population structure of mulloway throughout Australian waters was investigated with a view to providing a basis for management decisions for this recreationally and commercially important fishery. This study is limited by two factors:
1. rapid deterioration of tissue samples, affecting both...
The author attended a PhD training course which provided an introduction to a wide suite of biochemical methods that can be used to assess post-mortem changes in fish. The information gathered will be useful across a range of projects in the Australian Seafood CRC (AS CRC). A number of subsidiary...
The history of BPLV in Australia is one in which mass mortalities have occurred repeatedly among cultured larvae almost completely without warning. There is no published data on where the virus comes from (i.e. its source or origin), or, in the case of stock being transferred interstate, the...