The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some...
Fisheries are increasingly managed with involvement of fishers and other stakeholders. Stakeholders are especially critical where managers lack full knowledge of the system to be managed, resources to gather additional information, and/or resources to monitor and enforce compliance. Such...
Current Australian abalone fisheries management primarily uses biological and catch data to set total allowable catch limits (TACs). Performance targets are usually based on trends in catch rate or catch and aim to maintain these indicators within historic bounds that have prevented recruitment...
This project is comprised of four key components:
(i) FRDC Final Report (Appendices 3-5 are provided as standalone documents);
(ii) Adaptation Handbook (designed to help fisheries managers, operators – and anyone else helping to support fisheries – step through a risk assessment and...