38 results

NCCP: Risks, costs, and water industry response

There are numerous risks to water utilities that may arise in the even of mass fish mortalities, and an essential need to understand the potential impacts of mass carp mortalities on water treatment facilities with different treatment methods and capacities around Australia. Different biomass...
Water Research Australia Ltd

NCCP - Engineering Options for the National Carp Control Plan

Project number: 2017-222
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $49,538.78
Principal Investigator: Karl Mathers
Organisation: The Wedge Group Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 22 Apr 2018 - 29 Jun 2018


The project relates to the design, consultation, delivery and reporting of a National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) 'Engineering Options' workshop. The project has been identified as a priority by the Operations Working Group as part of the NCCP and is intended to provide engineering, logistics and contracting knowledge to support high biomass clean up planning and execution.
The proposed workshop will focus on the development and evaluation of options for commercial scale carp clean up and disposal following high biomass carp kills across a wide range of public and private water bodies.
The workshop would be designed and delivered is such a way as compliment the other initiatives that have been, or are being explored by the NCCP, in particular, the recovery and disposal options literature review and the current engagement/investigations underway with the commercial fishing sector.


1. To identify and assess clean up technologies and methods for high volume biomass removal (including collection, extraction, removal/transport) to meet high biomass clean up scenarios across the range of inland water body types
2. To identify the human resources and arrangements required for the range of technologies and methods
3. To identify logistical and contracting constraints and issues for high volume biomas clean up
4. To provide indicative costs for the preferred high biomas removal methods

Final report

Author: Karl Mathers and Geordie McKinlay
Final Report • 2018-11-08 • 24.31 MB


The Wedge Group was engaged by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) on
behalf of the National Carp Control Program (NCCP), to deliver a project exploring possible engineering
and technology options to address the range of high-biomass clean-up and disposal scenarios associated
with possible deployment of the Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3, hereafter ‘the carp virus’) as a
biocontrol agent for carp (Cyprinus carpio) in south eastern Australia. The project was identified as a
priority by the NCCP Operations Working Group to provide operational, engineering, logistics and
contracting knowledge to support high biomass clean-up planning and execution.
The overall objective of the project was to support the ongoing refinement of the NCCP Operational
Strategy through identification of a range of suitable works and measures that will effectively and
efficiently reduce the impact of large scale carp mortality in inland waterways.

NCCP : 2018 Communications & Stakeholder Engagement Program

The present study, undertaken by Sefton Associates Pty. Ltd., was developed to investigate communication and stakeholder engagement in a manner that is professional, effective, respectful, accessible and transparent. The NCCP impacts a significant number of stakeholders, each with their...
Sefton and Associates Pty Ltd

NCCP: identifying synergistic genetic bio control options for Cyprinus carpio in Australia

Project number: 2017-148
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $80,000.00
Principal Investigator: Claus Wedekind
Organisation: Wedekind Gutachten
Project start/end date: 23 May 2018 - 30 Jan 2019


A review of genetic biocontrol options for carp in Australia will assist the Science Advisory Group (SAG) of the National Carp Control Plan (NCCP) and other decision-makers to identify suitable techniques or approaches for potential inclusion in the NCCP. At its third meeting, the SAG reviewed two applications to prepare genetic biocontrol technologies for use on carp in Australia. One application focussed on the ‘Daughterless Carp’ technology, while the other concentrated on the Trojan Y Chromosome technique. After discussing these applications, SAG members agreed that the group lacked sufficient knowledge to make a well-informed decision, and requested that NCCP management procure an expert review of genetic biocontrol technologies to clarify decision-making on research investment.
Most of the Australian experts with knowledge in this area already have considerable intellectual property invested in a particular technique. To ensure an independent perspective, NCCP management is therefore seeking an international expert to conduct the review.


1. Review of genetic biocontrol options for carp in Australia

Final report

Author: Claus Wedekind
Final Report • 2019-10-13 • 1.95 MB


This study was undertaken by Wedekind Gutachten, Switzerland. Potentially synergistic genetic biocontrol technologies can be grouped into those that do not involve engineered DNA sequences and those that do. The former include the “sterile male” and the “Trojan Y chromosome” technologies. The latter include genetic constructs that lead males to produce only male fertile offspring while daughters are either sterile or non-viable (“daughterless carp”), or to various types of engineered gene-drive technologies that would be sexually propagated but could still reach 100% inheritance. The high inheritance would allow them to spread even if the introduced engineered DNA sequence reduced the fitness of the host, for example by killing female offspring or rendering them infertile. Some gene-drive technologies could therefore lead to the extinction of a problem population. However, unintended spread of the engineered drive sequence beyond the target population is possible. Worst-case scenarios of applying gene-drive technologies may therefore include the extinction of an entire species, and, if gene flow is possible as is the case in many cyprinid fishes, of related species. 
Considering the biological effectiveness, the relevant logistical factors of each techniques, the risks involved, and their likely public acceptability, the potentially most appropriate technique for deployment against carp in Australia is the Trojan Y chromosome technology, specifically the production and release of mirror-type sex-reversed YY individuals, combined with all measures that increase the survival and fecundity of these stocked animals. 

NCCP: essential studies on cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) prior to release of the virus in Australian waters

This project, undertaken by CSIRO, aimed to determine the most important form of transmission of CyHV-3 to Cyprinus carpio (common carp). This was addressed through experiments to determine: (1) The relative amounts of virus in the skin and mucus of infected fish vs shed...
CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory

NCCP: defining best practice for viral susceptibility testing of non-target species to Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 -a discussion paper based on systematic quantitative literature reviews

This report based on systematic quantitative literature reviews aims to identify best practice for testing to determine the viral susceptibility of non-target species to CyHV-3. 
University of Adelaide Roseworthy Campus

NCCP: Review of Carp control via commercial exploitation

The present study, undertaken by Charles Sturt University, was developed to investigate the potential for commercial, or subsidised, fishery exploitation to effectively control carp populations in Australia. Using published literature examples of fish (and other) vertebrate pest-removal...
La Trobe University Mildura Campus
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