258 results

Putting potential environmental risk of Australia's trawl fisheries in landscape perspective: exposure of seabed assemblages to trawling, and inclusion in closures and reserves

Project number: 2016-039
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $281,019.00
Principal Investigator: Roland C. Pitcher
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2016 - 29 Jun 2018


Australian fisheries, including trawl fisheries, need to ensure they met legislative requirements to ensure they have no unacceptable impacts on ecosystems. Linked to this need, the annual Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) reports are intended to include broader environmental reporting including indicators such as the “habitat footprint” of fishing.

CSIRO has been assisting AFMA to meet these requirements, recently taking into account new data & methods — and new management — to implement a consistent spatial approach to mapping demersal ‘assemblages’ & applying it to Commonwealth bottom trawl fisheries (FRDC 2014/204).

There is a need to extend this approach to all continental shelf trawl fisheries, in collaboration with researchers in each State, to meet assessment & reporting requirements and deliver benefits to all jurisdictions. Most of the data required are available & ready to use for the purpose, with some new data to be collated; the methods are now established & successfully demonstrated, hence the work can be completed cost-effectively. Further, the ecological maps provided by national assemblages mapping can be used as a spatial framework to underpin similar footprint assessments for other fisheries & offshore industries.

These needs have been identified at a recent (Feb 2016) ‘FRDC Key Projects Workshop’ to develop a strategic plan for delivery of FRDCs Priority 1: “Ensuring that Australian fishing & aquaculture products are sustainable & acknowledged to be so”.


1. Capitalise on recently collated biological & environmental data, and effort data for all State demersal trawl fisheries — collating additional data where required, including state fishery closures — to predict and map distributions of demersal assemblages to:
2. - quantify the overlap of trawl effort and intensity with each mapped assemblage
3. - quantify the overlap of each mapped assemblage with closures and reserves
4. - identify mapped assemblages and fisheries (if any) that may be priorities for habitat ERAs
5. - qualitatively describe the potential risk implications for any habitat forming biota (if/where data available) in assemblages with high exposure to fisheries, given current spatial management.

Final report

ISBN: 978‐1‐4863‐0998‐6
Authors: Roland Pitcher Wayne Rochester Malcolm Dunning Tony Courtney Matt Broadhurst Craig Noell Jason Tanner Mervi Kangas Stephen Newman Jayson Semmens Cassandra Rigby Thor Saunders Julie Martin and Bill Lussier
Final Report • 2018-09-25 • 12.02 MB


This project implemented the first national spatial approach to quantifying the exposure of mapped seabed assemblages to the footprints of all demersal trawl fisheries that operate on the mainland continental shelf and slope of Australia, as well as their spatial protection in areas permanently closed to trawling. These outputs will assist understanding of the potential risk to demersal assemblages from exposure to trawling footprints and of the contributions of existing spatial management measures to environmental sustainability, and with identifying and prioritising future needs for addressing risks to habitats. The focus provided by this prioritization is intended to reduce the costs of environmental assessments, and ultimately facilitate outcomes including reduction of the ecological risks posed by trawling and improved environmental sustainability. Trawling footprints were mapped from fishery effort data for recent years. Protection provided by current spatial management included all permanent trawl‐fishery closures, the Commonwealth Marine Reserve system (CMRs) and State Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Seabed assemblages — as surrogates for broad habitats — were defined and mapped using a single consistent method that has been enabled by recent advances in analysis methods and the availability of new data and knowledge. The overlaps of each assemblage with trawl footprints, and with areas closed to trawling, were calculated to quantify trawl exposure and spatial protection.

The majority of the 217 seabed assemblages defined and mapped had little or no exposure to trawling by the State and Commonwealth trawl fisheries included in the assessment. These assemblages with low trawl exposure also included a large number with little or no protection in any areas closed to trawling, in addition to those with higher levels of protection in closures. Across all fisheries, there were relatively few assemblages that had both high exposure to trawling and low protection by closed areas. Several more highly exposed assemblages also had substantive inclusion in closed areas. For example, 15 assemblages had >30% trawl footprint exposure (maximum footprint = 64.4%), of which 5 had >20% protection (max 37.5%) in areas closed to trawling. Assemblages with low exposure and high protection may warrant less focus for future habitat ERA. Assemblages with both high exposure and low protection are considered higher priority for future habitat ERA focus. These include assemblages along much of the Australian east coast from southern Queensland including deep areas of the southern GBR, through shelf areas of NSW, to eastern Victoria/Bass Strait — as well as western Tasmania to SE South Australia on the upper slope, inside Shark Bay, and near the shelf break in the Great Australian Bight. The identification of these trawl‐exposed assemblages reflects potential rather than confirmed risk to habitat; information on the distribution of sensitive habitats, habitat‐forming benthos or vulnerable species in higher priority assemblages is required to make such a risk assessment. However, such information is lacking in most priority assemblages — and in cases where some information is available, the presence of sensitive benthos and/or vulnerable species is indicated, thus raising the likelihood of actual risk, but currently the data are inadequate for comprehensive assessment of their status or risk. The current lack of adequate data needs to be addressed to achieve and demonstrate sustainability.

It is likely that the majority of demersal assemblages within Australian trawl fishery jurisdictions are not subject to substantive risk from these fisheries, due to their low exposure, and this is largely independent of whether assemblages have high or low protection. The relatively few assemblages within these jurisdictions that have higher exposures to trawling have high potential for risk to sensitive habitats and vulnerable species if they occur in these areas. Thus, the limited resources for future habitat ERAs can be focussed on the small number of more highly exposed assemblages, particularly those with lower levels of protection, that need further investigation to assess whether sensitive habitats and/or vulnerable species are present and whether they are at substantive risk from demersal trawl or dredge fishing. This focus will enable more efficient application of resources on ERAs for habitats. Ultimately, expected benefits include reduction in environmental risks due to trawling, management agencies meeting requirements of legislation regarding environmental sustainability, and hence improved social licence for fisheries. The recommended future research to assess actual habitat risks is essential to achieving these ultimate outcomes.


Sentinel sensors: revolutionising our understanding and management of the estuarine environment

This study, undertaken by CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, examines the usefulness of mussels as sentinels for environmental change using a novel biosensor. This project measured the vital signs of heart rate and behaviour in sentinel animals, as they respond to multiple and interacting changes in the...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Determination of the spatial dynamics and movement rates of the principal target species within the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery and connectivity with the broader western and central Pacific Ocean – beyond tagging

Accessing samples from broadbill swordfish from two sites within the WCPFC area was particularly problematic and was exacerbated by a poor fishing season in 2019. This resulted in samples for broadbill swordfish consisting of samples collected from the ETBF (2 years), Norfolk Island (1 year) and New...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Proposed northern Australia water developments pertinent to the Northern Prawn Fishery: collation and review

The project reviewed the legislation dealing with Water Resource Management in each of Queensland, the Northern Territory, and Western Australia that effects the management of overland flow in catchments that empty into water managed as part of the Northern Prawn Fishery. The project...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Ralf Yorque Symposium and Ecopath with Ecosim Training Course

This report summarises the outcome of a Ralf Yorque symposium – a small fairly informal series of workshops aimed at providing the big picture thinking space needed to underpin multi-year, multi-project research programs that incrementally piece together the necessary components of a...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Low cost management regimes for sustainable, small low-value fisheries based on coastal inshore species

This study provides a comprehensive, process-based guidance to developing low-cost management regimes for small-scale, low-value fisheries. The approach outlined is strongly “bottom-up” in that it seeks to identify pragmatic options and provide practical advice that specifically...
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart

Best practice guidelines for Australian fisheries management agencies

Project number: 2015-203
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $410,115.00
Principal Investigator: Alistair Hobday
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2015 - 23 Oct 2017


There is a need for greater efficiency in government while reducing red and green tape, simplifying regulation and pursuing sustainable and profitable fisheries. In doing so, fisheries management also aims to gain and maintain the trust and confidence of fishery stakeholders and the general public by ensuring management is a transparent and participatory process. The current operating environment for fisheries and fishing businesses involves a range of practices and policies applied by a range of regulators with lack of consistency at whole of government level and among jurisdictions considerable duplication in process. There would be considerable benefits to reducing this complexity by adopting nationally agreed standards for fisheries management. While this is clearly a task for government, a strategic research project could assist by reviewing existing international standards and domestic arrangements, and by laying the groundwork for a national debate about consistent and agreed fisheries management standards that would reduce costs for industry, simplify the task for fishery regulators, while simultaneously meeting public expectations for transparent processes and good fisheries management.


1. Review existing and emerging standards for fisheries management
2. Benchmark current management practices – regulatory processes, policies, guidelines and standards – across all Australian fishery management jurisdictions
3. Identify options for a national set of auditable standards for fisheries management in Australia

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-4863-1277-1
Authors: Alistair Hobday Rich Little Cathy Bulman Caleb Gardner Belinda McGrath-Steer Emily Ogier Nick Rayns Sevaly Sen Sean Sloan Tony Smith Linda Thomas
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 7.06 MB
2015-203-DLD Fisheries Agency Guidelines.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community. The main output of this project is a set of guidelines provided in a Guidance Document, which are provided as a stand-alone component of this final report (Box 1). This final report provides only a high level overview of the project for reporting purposes, and we suggest most readers will get all they need from the Guidance Document.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 2.79 MB
2015-203-DLD Appendix 1 Fisheries Standards Updates.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
At the first project meeting held in November, the team scoped the landscape of related projects to identify synergy; worked to understand and develop definitions of standards, benchmarks and guidelines; reviewed market place trends and discussed the implications of all of these on Australian fisheries. The meeting brought out differing views on project scope and on what type of standard would be developed. One of the main discussion points was the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There was broad agreement that there are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries (less so for smallscale, low-value, data-deficient fisheries), but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.
Final Report • 2019-05-30 • 4.04 MB
2015-203-DLD Guidance Document.pdf


The project was developed in consultation with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and State/Territory fisheries agencies. The idea of a publicly available set of standards or guidelines for marine fishery management agencies has been under discussion within fisheries agencies for some time and is consistent with broader directions in government policy and expectations of stakeholders and the broader community.
As a step towards creating a national standard for fisheries management, this project has focused on creating a best practice method, through the development of National Fisheries Management Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework regarding the approaches and information that will help them achieve best practice and ultimately lead to the development of a standard if sought in the future. We note the difference between a product standard, and a process standard. There are many fishery product standards, applicable to a range of fisheries and the seafood they harvest, but there are fewer process standards relating to how fisheries are managed. As a step towards creating standards for fisheries management, a best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are better than those achieved by other means. In this sense, the Guidelines provide information to fishery management agencies and their stakeholders regarding the approaches that will help agencies pursue their objectives.
In summary, this document:
1. Outlines the need for Guidelines and their context
2. Describes how the functions were identified and tested
3. Describes the functions
4. Shows application to agencies
5. Provides guidance on how to implement these Guidelines
6. Shows application to fisheries via a set of case studies
These Guidelines should be reviewed and updated on a five year basis, as best practice will certainly evolve over that period of time.

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